All my Iranian friends are jews and Christians who left that hell hole. It is the most intollerant backwards country in the area.
Nope! It is Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Afghanistan. In Iran,Christians and Jews can at least follow their religions, have churches/synagogues and are toleranted. While in Saudi-Arabia they do not even allow Jews into the country, Christians have to let their crucifixes and Bibles at the customs and just have them back when they leave. Christian worship is not allowed on Saudi ground, that means there is NO SINGLE church in all of the country and if you want to pray, you may do it alone or with your family at home. But it is not allowed to have a reunion for praying. This would result in immediate expelling!

(Well I remember earlier this year Saudi-Arabia complained with Amnesty International about Germany allegedly discriminating Muslims!)
The same and worse things go for Afghanistan where non-Muslims are left to be eaten by dogs when they die!

And Algeria does not allow Christians to live in Algeria - only temporarily if they are diplomatic staff!