Save Western Civilization > Save America

Whites on LI are dwindling!

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American white people we are at the fork in the road on this one. Time has run out. The illegal wetbacks are here in numbers that would stager your mind and more are overrunning the frontera as they call it each day. The government isn't telling us the true number of illegal roaches that have already invaded the country. American citizens would be outraged.  I can see it easily being double the reported number. Every place you go you see this shiftless filth hanging around on the corners and walking on foot with their trademark back pack on. We need to get politicians who are willing to take a stand on this tough issue. I was always a strong proponent of deportation of this filth however I am starting to see that that would be an impossible task. The key here is to  make it a severe crime to employ, rent housing, or even harbor anyone who isn't legally documented to be here in our country. ALLOW POLICE DEPARTMENTS TO ENFORCE THE LAW and then PROSICUTE AND DEPORT THIS TRASH OUT OF HERE. They wont come back if they know they cant get work, housing or sponge off the system.  I really believe this is the only solution. Even this solution will not be available much longer.

I used to make fun of the Southern rednecks with the mullets and shotguns.  But maybe it is time to get these people fired up and ready to bust some Chicano ass.

Somebody needs to send this article to all the union minority leaders in NYC who keep complaining that NYC police officers and NYC firefighters are not "sensitive" to them becasue they all come from "lily-white" Long Island. Right!


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