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Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, Sunday, June 17.

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Rosh Chodesh Sameach L'chol Am Yisrael.

Hello, Shalom Chaim,Continuing from last week Chaim, where a Charedi radio show hosts is criticizing certain points you raise on the show and would like a response. 

Thanks for last week’s reply – Rabbi Kahane ztl’s answer, he says, that G—d wanted us to fight for ourselves against the Germans & we did nothing is not true, as all is mirrored on our exile in Egypt. All G-d wanted is for us to believe in him, like by the Red Sea. He (G-d) wants that publicly and privately – our salvation is through Him.

Hello Chaim,

I been reading an article that Colin Powell or as Yosef use to call him Colin Foul may want to advice Bongo Obama in foreign policy issues. In fact this is the headline, "Powell Advises Obama on Foreign Policy Ex-Bush Official Says He'll Back 'Best Person' in 2008".  Obama is a complete moron and Powell was the one sitting in the UN with the theatrical videos of the WMDs.  Powell was also very enthused pressuring Israel to commit suicide.  Now this is what we DO NOT NEED.  Bongo Obama, Collin Powell, Al Sharpton, Louis Farakkan all joining in so they can turn that Whitehouse to look like a section 8 housing in the South Bronx.  We saw how some individual incompitence is like, look at how the NYC MTA is like. 

Also what bothered me During the GOP Debate CNN moderators kept pounding all GOP candidates about their Christian faith,  how come, no one badgers Bongo Obama about his Muzzie background? They must be as nervous as he is on exposing exactly what he is.  An enemy within.

hi chaim im back temporarely, im taking a summer course in intro to physic's, hopefulley it is not a gay course. last year three out of ten course's were gay, which were intro to socio, religious studies, and contemporery democracy. but physic's is math so it cant be homosexual. my parent's pay my teusion so i have to go to college where they say, but im doing my best to convence them to transfer me. my question is the things some of my profesor's taught last year were scary, as you allready know. im scared about the coming gay revalution, the socio professor said in ten to fiffteen years the revalution will happen. what's JTF doing to prevent the gay revalution? im scared, will the homosexual's hurt christian's and jew's when they take over?

thanks tony


I found out about JTF through YouTube. Great videos! I am Jewish and support your views 100%!

G-d bless you and JTF!

Do you support the return to tradition Jewish dress. Meaning Turbans and Tunics?

Listen, when we rebuild the Temple, I can't imagine us bringing sacrifices in streimels and bekeshes, but not suits and ties and jeans and t-shirts either.

What do you think?


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