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Ask JTF For June 24 Broadcast

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Joe Gutfeld:
Shalom Chaim!!

What is your opinion about Miss Israel posing in a bikini for an ad for the Israeli Consulate?  Is it sexist?  Are you for that?


I thought your encounter with the affirmative-action "professor" was humorous, albeit quite depressing. In the spirit of the great Allen-T I'd like to hear another one of your affirmative-action encounters!

As always, you're a gentleman and a scholar.

All the best.


If you are not allowed into Israel before the next Israeli elections, G-d forbid, would you consider having certain trusted members of the Yamin Hamiti in Israel form a political party with you being the spokesman for the party from the U.S. Obviously it's not ideal, but maybe with all the teenagers you have there willing to flood Israel with flyers, the party could grab two seats. With a foot in the door, I'm sure those Knesset members could pull the strings neccesary to get you in, G-d willing. Is there anyone in our movement in Israel that's qualified to do this?

P.S. When you have a moment you can read some speculation from our posters (myself included) about your fascinating encounter with the Rebbe at:

In, short my feeling is that the Rebbe was looking into your life and giving you strength for the challenges that lay ahead.

Hello Chaim,

     Maybe you didn't quite get what I was saying. I know there is no biological reason for why the majority of the Black and Indian Hispanics are drek. I know that it is a choice that they make and that it is cultural and like always there are exceptions. I know there are exceptions. But I just want to make clear the distinction that is obvious to me between them and White hispanicsa and Spaniards who are obviously culturally superior. White Spaniards are Culturally similar to the Italians, Greeks and Jews therefore culturally superior. Do you agree? Toda Achi.

I'm posting this message on behalf of Yacov Menashe because he let me ask through Jimmy this week so my question would be at the top.

What do you think of Gentiles celebrating Labor Day? I know you think Jews shouldn't celebrate it. Do you support Gentiles celebrating it or are you against it because it is a Bolshevik holiday? Is it a real American holiday?

What do you think of the way most Americans celebrate Memorial Day (by having a barbecue and/or going to the beach)? Is this the proper way to celebrate it? Is it a celebration or is it supposed to be a day of mourning like the Israeli one?

All I do to celebrate any of the days I just mentioned is to just have a barbecue. But sometimes I don't even do that.


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