I am a Gentile so it is not my business to tell Jews where to live. Jews have every right to live wherever they want to on this planet Hashem created. That being said, I do believe it is something all Jews should deeply consider. Bolshevik or not, G-d, via the evil Israeli government, has made a wealth of services and benefits available to new Jewish immigrants. If hundreds of thousands of right-wing Jews from all over the world moved to the Holy Land, not only would we have a lot more bodies on the ground for Hayamin, but we would be able to create great public pressure to allow Chaim to make aliyah.
Can I personally buy it that not all Jews are made for Israel? Yes, I can, but I think a lot of Jews use that as a copout so that they can avoid taking a great step forward in their lives. I think that living in Israel, as evil as it is, would be a tremendous psychological and moral boost to countless Jews.
Bones, I very much agree with your statement.

Yes, everything bad we know about Israel is true - government, leftist, arabs, Sudanese, etc. But there is a tremendous amount of positive in Israel, including very high standards and quality of living. You probably don't believe it - but it feels extremely safe here. Almost every night we go out - yesterday we sat by the beach with other couple till 2.30 in the morning, drinking coffee and chatting. I doubt that you can do so in US. Israel is second after US in number and quality of startups! German-like highways like you'll never see in US or Canada. Children playgrounds that you never see anywhere else.
But most, what attracts me here is a sense of normalcy that I feel here. The great weather, skies, scenery of our ancient land, unbelievable food, warm and genuine people - I and my wife really feel a sense of belonging here.
As far as Mo and others, either they think that Israel is in middle of sub Sakharan Africa or they just prefer "learning" to "living." I really don't care - Israel is not losing much by not having Jews who don't want to live here - they do! My whole post was addressed to a right wing Jewish person who hit rock bottom, who starts from scratch and, I thought, should at least consider this option. Doesn't Israel, even in dire straits, worth at least a consideration?