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Ask JTF for Sunday, October 4, 2009

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Dear Chaim, what is your opinion on Fran Drescher? All I know of her is that she has that annoying New York accent that many self-hating Jews have. You know, the Gary Ackerman/Chuck Schumer type Jews.

Dear Chaim,

If Chicago was chosen to host the 2016 Olympics do you think it would have been a good thing?
It would have created jobs for the construction industry by having them build structures to host them.
It would bring in revenue for the state as well as the city.

The downside is that it would be prime ground for a terrorist attack like what happened in Atlanta.

Do the pros outweigh the cons?

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom Chaim,

About a month and a half ago I was having a conversation with a JTF member who had a somewhat cynical attitude towards Israelis. I pointed out to this person that most Israelis are open to at least hearing the message of Hayamin. This member replied by saying that it is beyond the pale that after all the years of genocide the Arabs have subjected them to that this would even be an issue. This person thinks that just out of common sense, Israelis should all on their own desperately want to throw the Arabs out after all they have done, regardless of whether they have an effective movement advocating that. I had to admit that this person has a point. It does seem to me like almost no people on earth value their own lives as little as Israelis.

I think that what the person was getting at is that they did not understand how any halfways-sane Jew could for a second attribute any notion of "human rights" to the Fakestinians. This ultimately is what is holding us and real rightism back in Israel and fueling such ghastly decisions as the freeing of 200 terrorists for a couple of dead bodies.

Here's what I mean--it is easy to say that no more Israeli soldiers would be abducted and killed if Israel started killing a hundred terrorists in jail for each day that a soldier is held and burying their bodies with pig parts, or that ghastly martyrdom attacks on innocent Jews would cease if the IDF blew up an Arab hospital, school, or nursing home in retaliation for each shahid murder spree. The fact is, though, that if the Israeli government did that (yeah right), most Israelis' reactions would range from regret to outrage. Like it or not, virtually all Israeli Jews across the political spectrum--and I am excluding the Feces Now Nazis of Semitic descent--have been conditioned and brainwashed into believing the Hellenized lie that no matter how horrible Islamic atrocities are, Jews must "play fair", "fight honorably", "uphold our standards", and other such garbage. For instance, at the time that Samir Kuntar (ys"vz) was captured, some voices in Israel wanted this bastard executed, but the consensus was that it would not be right to do so because he was a "minor" and it would provoke worldwide outrage at such a "human rights violation". This BS is what is really dooming Israel.

Some of this is due to secularity (a lack of faith in G-d for Israel's protection and therefore a corresponding fear of the of the goyim), but it is also due to the fact that most Israelis have, to varying degrees, genuinely been programmed to feel this way due to a lifetime of indoctrination by the Bolshevik state-corporate-educational apparatus.

How can Hayamin go about fighting this "human-rights" nonsense? It seems almost like a chicken/egg situation; in order for Hayamin to succeed most Israelis will have to stop viewing Arab mass murderers as having any "civil rights", but that won't happen unless we are in power and can change the entire political culture.


Chaim shalom, how are you feeling צדיק?...

I have a lot to ask you about this week, but I'll try to keep it short.

First, concerning your affirmative action story from last week, All I can say is - WOW!
I thought you might bring up a funny story as usual, but this one was quite distributing,
especially because of the tender age of the children involved, I mean this goes beyond disgraceful behavior,
this is nothing short of child abuse, and these vile pigs should have CPS come in and take their kids away a.s.a.p

Any way here's my questions for this week.

1. Have you noticed all these "OBAMA" chantings that have been taking place in public schools and pre-schools?
(this country looks more and more like soviet Russia with Obama and his unconstitutional "Czars" and school chantings).
anyway, at first I thought it was simple random acts of stupidity by the teachers themselves,
but this CAN'T be coincidence, since more and more of these videos keep popping on youtube,
on one of the latest videos you can actually hear the kids chanting "Barack Hussein Obama - MM mmm mm",
they actually chanted "mm mm mm" the poor kids, a lot of them white.
and then you hear the ape-teacher behind the camera saying "Uhhh I like the sound of that"!
Is this still America, Chaim? what's happening here?
do you think there might be some "hidden agenda" behind all these cases, possibly arranged by Obama's administration?

2. I see that according to a survey conducted by FNC, 61% of Americans would support a US military action in Iran,
more surprisingly is that out of those 61%, 53% are democrats and 73% are republicans,
so in other words, out of all the democrats that were asked if America should attack Iran, a majority of 53% answered - yes.
Do you think that this could help pressure Obama enough to attack his fellow Muslims? 'cause I doubt it.
and by the way, did you see Sarkozy's speech in the UN? it's like we're in the twilight zone or something...
We now live in a reality in which the FRENCH leader thinks the AMERICAN leader is too soft on Iran, amazing...

4. My last question is about Israel.
What would happen to Israel if Iran becomes nuclear חס וחלילה?
Is it ok for jews to leave Israel for the sake of פיקוח נפש דוחה שבת?
I recall that according to the jewish "הלכה", a jew must never leave Israel, but also that this rule has a few exceptions.
Is saving jewish lives (ושמרתם את נפשותיכם), considered to be one of those exceptions?
What can Israelis do, if their county should overnight become a live target for a nuclear attack that can take place at any minute?
Will it be ok for jewish families with young children to move from Israel to a safer place for the sake of פיקוח נפש דוחה שבת?
I ask because I know some religious Israelis that are seriously talking about leaving Israel if that happens.

I hope that wasn't too long for the show,
I have so much to ask, I appreciate your time and effort.

May g-d bless you and watch over you and all of us jews and righteous gentiles, in these uncertain times.

חג סוכות שמח,

Dear Chaim,

What are your thoughts on Iran? What is the history of the Middle East? What is obama doing up to this poin and what will he do by the end of 2009?


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