Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

Why do Jewish women have to be so Damn Liberal?

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--- Quote from: MarZutra on May 20, 2007, 06:59:50 PM ---you can buy it on Amazon or Abe books... 

--- End quote ---
Well, Amazons only has the first volume and Abe books only has used ones.

     part of the problem as i see it here, is the location of where one  ' is' in order to be geographically challenged so to speak. For example, where i live, there are not many jewish males from which to choose from. the ones that are available are liberal and/or reform. they are jewish in name only so to speak. This puts us females/males in a connumdrum. Either you move to a more appropriate place to meet the kind of right wing person you are seeking or are left out in the cold.
     I, because of my age, 51, will most likely remain single for the rest of my life now. While this dismays me to some extent, i can not relocate for financial reasons like many on here are unable to do so also.
     If one is truly looking for a right wing spouse, they would do well to search places like crown heights, brooklyn or borough park, Israel, etc. depending upon what you seek.

     I think most dating sites are fraught with liars, cons, non-jews posing as jews in order to hope to find someone who will not care ( i have heard gentile females seeking a jewish male simply because they have heard they make better partners and visa-versa) and people who claim to be people something they are not.
     For the most part, right wing sites are your best bet instead of places like jdate ( yeeccch) and the others. Temple organizations may be of help to make arrangments shiddichs or push you in the right direction at least. it helps to let others know that you are looking for a particular type.
     at least I had a chance at it and have a 22 yr old son who i am grateful for Hashem gave me. There is a place called twentyfoursix.com that is a networking place that seems to be for more religious or right wingers but i do not know what kind of success anyone has had on there.
     as we women age, and gain more knowledge, many of us become more right wing as we gain some wisdom hopefully. it also depends upon the upbringing from the womans family. What we have seen here is a dumbing down of USA jews and women in favor for a secular upbringing and the idea to have it all from the 1960-70's by betty friedan's book, 'the femine mystique'.

     that and coupled with economic need for many women the need to work for 2 incomes to get by in this day and age from inflation woes has caused women to forgo religion for more economic moves. much to our chagrin, this has backfired/backlashed to some extent and left many women forgoing family values and children. This is also owed to the fact that this society/ America, is considered developed and population appears to have evened out.

Jo-bella, excellent post. I hope you start posting in here more often. Good stuff.

I agree with Jeff.  It's also nice to see another woman post here.

thank you jeff and lisa
     I studied this idea also and wondered why the same thing myself. sadly i was a apart of the female generation that was sold a bill of goods for the trade off of ''achievement'' vs ''family values & religion''. And the left wingers who thought places like Israel and Judiasm were no longer relevant or taboo in this so-called modern era. I remember my own mother telling me no one goes to Israel in their right mind when i was in my teens....she alone turned me off to the idea and the entire notion of judaism and basically would make fun of people who were religious. Later on in life, i think she regreted this way of thinking when she saw how misguided some of her children turned out.....my cousin had it much worse than i did in california.

sadly, we lost much along the way of ''women's lib'' and the burning of the bra era during the 1960's, protests, etc., birth control pill, and abortion rights in 1969. The one person who was responsible for the deciding vote in favor of the 1969 ruling in roe v. wade in ny, was roberta krupsak, who was a deciding vote. her vote alone passed the bill for nys.

in response to women not wanting to be so religious anymore during this era, they actually demanded the men stop being so religious also. this created a vicious cycle. women wanted a more secular lifestyle, abandoned and actually made fun of religious men and we began marrying outside to intergrate. this happened all within less than 70 years if you count from the first wave during the 1880's to the usa/canada.....the second wave of immgration was 1900's.

Also this way of thinking was carried from the old country too though, reform judaism began in germany and many germans came to usa/canada and brought with them this way of thinking. a new country, a new way of thinking to cast off anti-semetism.

all it  did was substitute money for religion, and left us even more aling for our Hashem. ??? ??? :'(
american/canadians females jews became spoiled and worshiped money for those who abandoned the religious thinking. now we see the fall out as to what is left for conservative, reform, jews. I became a victim of the same thinking until i wondered what it was that i was missing in my life.....sadly for me it is too late because i am too old now and my child bearing years have long since left me. I can however be a living testament to what happens when you choose a secular lifetstyle. you miss out greatly on a joyus relation with our creator......


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