Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

Why do Jewish women have to be so Damn Liberal?

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Well, my friend, I think, what you said could be an interesting option, unless one important issue. In Soviet Union, there were predominantly "Christian" Republics and predominantly Muslim Republics. Ashkenazi Jews lived primarily in Christian Republics and Sephardics lived in Muslim Republics, and guess what, the level of Jewishness was higher among those who lived with Muslims. Even those few Ashkenazi Jews who lived in the Muslim South were more conservative.

So it's both ethnical and habitat reasons. And by the way, saying that socialism is more feministic culture than capitalism is a slight unawareness of what socialism is.


--- Quote ---This is also why the attendance at Church is plummiting and Churches are going of for sale on a record number all over the West.

--- End quote ---

I think, the situation with Christianity is way different from the problems of Western Jewry. There are too many factors to list in this forum.

G-d willing, one day we will all sit down and talk about it in a much broader and lively format.

Now that I agree with.  You do know that in the Soviet Communist Russia most of the Christian and Jewish leaders were thrown into the Gulags and had their churches turned into grain storage chambers, looted of their riches and sold to the west for farm machinery, weapons, Ford trucks.  Dr. Antony Sutton writes at great lengths about this.  I'd agree that religion thrived covertley but many Christians and Jews tragically either embraced the G-dless utopianism, were murdered or worked to death (same as murdered).  You will also note that the Chief "Rabbi" and head Synagogue in Moscow was a KGB operation used to infiltrate and distroy the Jewish Community.  Chaim often speaks about this as did Rabbi Kahane.

My great grand parents fled Tzarist Russia during the 1880's pogroms to England before the Communist Revolution.  Russian Orthodoxy is making a come back but G0dless Communism/Socialism is still the ideology of choice recorded with record numbers of aids, drug and alcohol related deaths, record suicide, murder and internal strife....  What a vile ideology...

I do not see the problems between Western Jewry and Christianity that much different.  They are both under constant attack from within and outside by "Reform" or "Progressive" thoughts from the internal like "Priests", "Ministers", "Reverands" and "Rabbis" for Same Sex Marriage, Feminism, Abortion, Affirmative Action and every Socialistic cause.  Combine this with the 24 hour a day attacks by the Media, Liberal politicians and professional (Communist) Lobby/Agitator groups, "Progressive" Educational Systems indoctrinating children from the womb to the grave with Socialistic "Poltically correct" disinformation....  I see them both very much related. 

You must be Christian no?  If you are Christian you will very much enjoy the book "Fabian Freeway" by Rose Martin or perhaps many of the interviews with Dr. Stanley Monteith on Radio Liberty he deals with this sort of stuff weekly.  Rose Martin's work is amazing as too "The Rise of Radicalism", but Martin's book delves into the British Fabian Society and its expansion into all of the old British Colonies of the former British Empire with the purpose of exporting subversivly Socialism.  It mentions "The Christian Book Club" started by the Fabians (one of many but earlier started by the reading society in Germany in the 1760's: RE: "Proofs of Conspricay" - John Robbins) who hired/membered many phony Revs, Mins, Priests etc. to rewrite the Bible making it more "Socialistic" and too writing/rewriting many Christian texts/books/fiction etc. aimed at progressing the Socialist principals onto the benighted Christian readers....  of course this was just one step being part of a much more grand scheme still haunting us today... very good examples are the ACLU, CFR, NAACP, British Labor Party and of course their Socialist propagation medium the BBC...all connected to the British Fabian Society..

Those books will provide much needed knowledge to understand the Christian "Decline of the West" and place the religous, cultural, economic, civil, family and of course national breakdown we see today from a Christian perspective.  Now if you wish to learn about the, as tragic, Jewish breakdown I'd strongly suggest three books: "To Eliminate the Opiate" by Rabbi Dr. Marvin S. Antelman (this book shows the communist/utopianists/secret society/occult movements that are working to undermine and distroy Judaism similarly to the Fabians, Jacobins, Rosicrucians, Christan Peace Makers, Christian Science and even Mormonism is today with Christianity division into 24000 "sects".)  "From Time Immemorial" - Joan Peters and "Perfidy" - Ben Hecht which is available for free on the web from "Somebodyhelpme.Info"

OK. Not going too deep into the problems of Christianity, I can say one thing - the first reform Jew was Jesus. Obviously, when you customize religion to meet your specific needs, the people who will later beleive in you will likely do the same with your edition of the religion. This happened to Christianity. Instead of people adapting to the law, the law was changed to adapt the people.

I can assure you that despite the KGB's involvement in "religios affairs" in Soviet Union, a lot of people to a diferent extent were trying to remain conservative and even religious; especially in the Muslim South. And I can tell you that in some way Jews have to be thankful to Muslims for helping them preserve the core principles of their culture.

Now, let's come back to the issue of women.

What I am trying to tell you is that Ashkenazi women, and even men do not accept patriarchy and have never accepted it. That is the core conflict with Jewish religion and philosophy.

As a brotherly advise, unless you are an alpha man, do not waste your time with non-religios Ashkenazi women. Your only choice is either religios Ashkenazi girls or Sephardic girls.


--- Quote from: saintaugusto on May 17, 2007, 12:49:55 PM ---OK. Not going too deep into the problems of Christianity, I can say one thing - the first reform Jew was Jesus. Obviously, when you customize religion to meet your specific needs, the people who will later beleive in you will likely do the same with your edition of the religion. This happened to Christianity. Instead of people adapting to the law, the law was changed to adapt the people.

I can assure you that despite the KGB's involvement in "religios affairs" in Soviet Union, a lot of people to a diferent extent were trying to remain conservative and even religious; especially in the Muslim South. And I can tell you that in some way Jews have to be thankful to Muslims for helping them preserve the core principles of their culture.

Now, let's come back to the issue of women.

What I am trying to tell you is that Ashkenazi women, and even men do not accept patriarchy and have never accepted it. That is the core conflict with Jewish religion and philosophy.

As a brotherly advise, unless you are an alpha man, do not waste your time with non-religios Ashkenazi women. Your only choice is either religios Ashkenazi girls or Sephardic girls.

--- End quote ---
Firstly, Jesus was a Pharasee (Rabbinical) Jew.  Jesus would have been an Orthodox Jew and well learned in both Torah and the Oral Law not a deformed (Reform) Jew.  All credable evidence places this issue in the earliest texts by Josephus Flavus which was obviously a distortion to carry favor with the now Christianized Romans. 

The Laws are and always did stay the same and were never changed as the Torah states.  To this day, not one word is changed in the Orthodox Hebrew Torah.  If there is any mistake made upon the part of the scribe the entire scroll is blessed and distroyed.  When the Torah is out of use it is blessed and burried.  The Torah states any changes or persons trying to change the Law is a false G-d and a false Messiah.  I beleive it is in the vacinity of Exodus 20. 

What you have stated above is totally Christianity and nothing whatsoever dealing with Judaism.  Abraham Geiger was the founder of Deformed Judaism, not Jesus.  One might argue that the Hellenist rot during the time of Yahuda HaMaccabee were the first Deformed "Jews" due to their embracing Hellenism instead of Torah Judaism.

The only thing that Jews have to thank the Muslim horde for is oppression, forced converstion, sub-human taxation and treatment, exploitation when they need something, rape or murder.  The Jews kept their core values because of Torah not because of any greasy Muslims.  Any study of the Pale or Jewish history by any respectable author displays this.  Christians, later too suffered similarly to the Jews at the hands of the Muslims...and still do today...

Sorry brother but you know nothing about Judaism my friend.  We where the ones who gave women their rights and treated them with equality under G-d while all others were burning them, tossing them down wells when births happened to be female, exploiting them for sex slavery or worse.  The issue you mention about the Patriarchial system was too adopted by Christianity and too distorted.  I know of no female popes or any females to attain any respectful position in the Christian Church aside from a Nun.  What you speak is solely the product of these, any women as it relates to Christian women as well... is their abandonment of morality, G-d and his teachings for G-dless liberalism and its materialist philosophy.  Again nothing to do with Judaism... 

Your advice is spot on as it relates to all women not Ashkenazism or Sephardim or Gentile....  A religious woman knows her place under HaShem as do religious men. 

end...period...full stop...


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