Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
Why do Jewish women have to be so Damn Liberal?
I cannot confirm that Socialism is more feministic than, lets say, Capitalism. Do not forget, there was no Sexual Revolution in Communist countries. Erotica and pornography were simply banned there. In fact, Western-made erotic & porn movies were considered one of the tools of struggle for the destruction of Soviet Union by the West.
Export of the so-called American way of life to third world countries is deemed to be very "effective" in demoralizing masses.
I happen to agree with much of what you say. Sadly, the Communsits/Socialists/Utopianists are behind all of this feminism, homosexual, porno and moral degeneracy movements here and their export worldwide. You will enjoy "New Lies for Old" by Golitsyn. It is very good. The tribe is Paternal while "Jewishness" is Maternal and always was.
You are right about the porno thing and banning of most liberties when Communism took root in Russia but sadly the Marxist teachings from his, Engles and The League of the Just's "Manifesto" too root and distroyed that nation. Even more sadly is that these intellectual Utopianists will not let the ideolgy die as it should be but continue to toy with it to "progress" it onto the world.
The reason why I asked about the "Saint" part is because in accordance to dictionary based definitions, a Saint is a person who is recognized as having attained a high level of holiness, however the Bible has a different definition. The word itself means “Holy” and is derived from the Latin “sanctus”. It is predominantly used within Christian religions, which have specific usages for the term depending on the denomination involved. The concept originates in early Greek Christian literature with the use of the word "hagios" (Greek meaning "holy" or "holy ones") and in the New Testament, where it is used to describe the followers of Jesus of Nazareth....
There is only one truth...
Here is some good logic for you that I do hope you enjoy.
Perush HaMaccabbi by Rav Meir Kahane HY"D
One may ask, why did G-d create beings strange in their skin color, which causes separation and hatred, and why didn't He create all beings of the same skin color? Also, why did He create different nations, which also separates humanity by nationality, language and culture? Also, why did He create people of different intellect levels? In short, why didn't He create all people to be equal in body and ability? The answer to this is that uniformity of all humanity could lead to disaster if all the world united under one evil government with an evil culture. And so G-d separated the nations, to prevent the congregation of evil people, which is bad for the world. But there is another reason: Just as G-d created Man with an evil inclination, so that his purpose in this world would be to overcome it and thus elevate himself and become holy (something which the angels cannot do, because that is how they were created---holy without an evil inclination, immune to temptation, hence they cannot earn merit), thus did G-d want the world to reach love and fellowship despite the separation and differences; He wanted that we will learn to overcome the differences and love a fellow human being without considering his nationality or skin color. And obviously, all this as long as a person accepts upon himself the basic conditions of the seven commandments of Noah, and even then it is impossible to realize complete love and unity, unless a person discovers the complete truth---G-d's Torah---and converts [to Judaism].
There is another important reason for the physical separation of humanity: in our turbulent and crazy times, when all moral restraints are removed, all logic is blurred, self-love and the pursuit of lust and selfishness gave rise to the spread of an ideology of equality which reached the horror of erasing the differences between Good and Evil, Truth and Falsehood, Light and Darkness. And since the confused person doesn't know what is the Truth, and furthermore DOESN'T WANT any truth that will curb his lust and limit his total freedom, which means total abandonment and depravity, Man has invented the idea that, in reality, there is no objective "truth", but rather everything is relative, and each culture finds its own truth, and there is no one who has the authority to say what is the "truth". And obviously, this foolishness leads, in the end, according to his "logic", to the silencing of any criticism, even criticism of the most terrible deeds ever committed. After all, who is to decide what is "terrible"? That is why G-d came and demonstrated the existence of real and OBJECTIVE differences between various concepts and ideas, by creating tangible physical differences between human beings, to teach us that just as one person is different from his fellow human being in skin color, nationality, body and intellect, so too exist REAL differences between ideas and concepts.
Jeff Guy Wrote:
) It is not Jewish to refer to G-d as He and not her, for example.
Well actually we don't believe g-d is male or female we believe he is a combination of both male and female attributes. In english sometimes it is said g-d is male but that is just a translation.
I have to disagree with you Adam. The Torah/Tanach always refer to HaShem in the masculin as "He" or "Him" etc. as shown above in the Perush HaMaccabbi.
I agree with you that HaShem displays both masculin and feminin which for very logical reasons of compassion, joy, peace, grace etc. while also the masculin in the times of judgement, war, hate and dealing with evilness. My two cents... ;)
How about the fact that G-d created Adam in His own image, and Eve He created as a derivative from Adam?
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