General Category > Ask JTF

Ask JTF for Sunday, October 11, 2009

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Shalom Chaim

What is wrong with young people today and fashion trends? Lately i've noticed that many young people are wearing those "palestinian" headscarves colored black and white around their necks.
Do you think their might be meaning behind this or merely just fashion? Similar to those who wear Che Guevara shirts and have no idea who he is.

Also i've noticed over the past year that hallal food trucks are all over the place, is this a new phenomenon or has this been going on for years?

 thanks again , John

Dear Chaim,

What are your thoughts on Obama wining the Nobel Peace Prize. Also is it true that Jewish law that men are now allowed to hear women sing?

Hello Chaim no question this week, but just wanted to say in the past you said the nobel peace prize was a joke and you are so correct. They had no right to give the prize to that muslim usurper. But can you tell us a weekly affirmative action story. If someone has already asked please disregard. Thanks and GD bless

Confederate Kahanist:
Dear Chaim

Do you think that the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center are extremely one sided lopsided organizations that only expose one side most of the time even though they can be given credit for exposing neo nazis, Black Panthers, and Nation of Islam though they have articles on the Minutemen and the old JDL?  I can honestly say I am happy that JTF hasn't made it on there lists yet.  Do you think that the ADL is doing a good job of fighting anti semetism even though they have articles attacking the old JDL?

Shalom Chaim,

Is there any explanation in the Bible or by commentary by the great Jewish Sages in why many people mentioned in the Five Books of Moses lived much longer lives than the vast majority of people did in the Common Era?         What really stands out is that in the modern era with all of the advances in medicine and science,    the average person doesn't live remotely close as long compared to the people I'm going to list.         According to what I saw in various commentary,    the following are some of the ages that people lived in the days of the Five Books of Moses:

Isaac, 180 years; Abraham, 175; Jacob, 147; Ishmael, 137; Sarah, 127; Moses, 120; Joseph and Joshua, 110 years.

Thanks as always,   eb22.


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