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--- Quote from: muman613 on October 08, 2009, 11:03:16 PM ---Regarding Joseph, it was his interpretation of Pharoahs dream which led to him being appointed to be virtually second in command to Pharoah. It was his ability to interpret dreams which Hashem gave him, and not his intellect, which led to his release from the dungeon he was being held in {because of the incident with Potiphars wife}. Nowhere is it taught in Torah that Joseph received any lessons in anything other than Torah so it doesnt make sense to me that somehow he knew this mathematical principle you talk about. Also it is a very important part of Jewish belief to know that our skills are only gifts from Hashem, and not due to our own intellect or skill. I dont think it is a good lesson to say that because Joseph was 'good at math' he was able to save the entire civilized world. It is because he was destined, as he dreamed when he was a child... His brothers were extremely jealous of him because he boasted of dreams where he was lording over them...
Of course everyone is entitled to believe what they want. But according to strict Jewish interpretation your ideas are foreign.
--- End quote ---
Didn't say that. I said that somehow he knew the truth. With modern math we can now confirm that what he knew was right on the money.
Thats all I'm saying.
Step back for a second. Forget everything. Just think abot the river Nile and what Joseph said. Put two and two together, RIGHT NOW,
and we got a lesson in finance we can draw from it. No more, no less.
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