Author Topic: US TV and movies sketch the Obama of destiny, 2 and 1/2 years campaigning, then:  (Read 449 times)

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Offline bobgnote

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How many TV shows nailed Obama, with a span, across time?

MANY! Got STAR TREK ep.49, A PIECE OF THE ACTION?  Yeah, Spocko, you got it, way back in 1968, FORTY YEARS AGO, you pointed-eared hobgoblins.

Jo Jo Kracko, Bela Oxmyx, HEY! Obama tried to lose to Joe, the Plumber, but only Arizona and Prop.8 went, or was there more?

Granny told him he was born in Kenya, you bastard, then she dies of cancer, as if South Park and Star Trek were both lining up on Obama's Air Force One.

The toolbag floated, Blago called, Rahm and Bam try to ignore MTV and [censored], and hinder the appointment of John Burris to the US Senate.

Catholic cops are illegally established profiteers, but at year's end they all started shooting young blacks, like Oscar Grant, III.

I called USDOJ, OPD, BART.  All hung up on me, at riot.  Obama came to California in March 2009, and on 3/22/2009, Lovell Mixon shot four OPD to death and left one injured, while Mixon was shot dead.

Obama and all attorneys knowing facts refrained from all courts, in seditious contempt, since Obama and all attorneys know the energy is deregulated, yet he bailed AIG, which heard in 2002 from ME, how the economy would go down in 2007, 2008, and NOW.

Obama was with Sarkozy, June 6, 2009, when the Honduran coups started, CIA-assisted, and so, Israel recognizes the new, flawed rulers.  But Jews are from Etiopia, and the word 'S-H-*-T' was composed, when the Crusaders dropped their loads beside the roads, and went away, conspiring to invade Iran's Shiites and then drive all the way, to China.

The US and UK know, the 'Indians' of America are land-bridge migrants, with some sailors from China, Japan, or Korea, including from the White Fleet, c.1350-1400 AD, predating Columbus, so he thought he was in Cathay, when he landed.

Actually, Columbus found White Fleet sailors, natives, and descendants, in the West Indies, since a hurricane wrecked a lot of the ships, which had to leave some travellers behind, as the mission left for China, with rebuilt ships, not enough to take all passengers all the way around the world.

With an Arab navigator, this fleet grounds lawsuit against a riotous US, if Obama lives past 2012, which he likely will NOT, since Honduras is his Cochino Bay trick.  An Air France jetliner headed out from Brazil in June, to plummet into the Atlantic, upon the news of the Honduran coups.

Obama will suffer the same fate, if he forces us to watch him have beer, with clowns at riot, back east, when he has deliberately shown Congress how to riot, deadlocked, from finding survivable infrastructure, at sedition and conspiracy to obstruct justice, and conspiracy to interagency fraud, to profiteer at the riot, as a RICO, unrestrained.

Fact is, Obama's 1011 will go down, by 2011, or not? 

It's LOCKED IN, so heed Dick Van Dyke, which mucks in black and white for 2 and one-half years, then goes color for two and one-half more, like Obama campaigning with his whores and dealers on a billion-dollar bubble, then he does two and one-half years, flying high, until he splashes, like an IRON BUTTERFLY.

In-a-Gadda-da-Vida, Danny!  Don't you know those movies bust in on how Sister Sister's new Daddy looks like Eric Holder, or not?  YEAH, they spanned it, predicted it, and sucked all the attorneys and Holder up in there.

So here's to YOU, Mrs.ROBINSON, I mean Mr.President, you hooker.


NOBODY in Congress thinks he has to compromise for Mr.Splashdown, a sucka.

So why does any idiot think Congress will come up with health care, for THAT brand of quack, Barack?