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Ask JTF for Sunday October 25, 2009

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Dear Chaim, why do most East Asians look younger than Americans the same age? I know that you're nearly 53 years old and you look like you're in your 20's. I'm guessing it has to do a lot with diet and exercise.

Dear Chaim,

What are something you would do to stop and or quarantine a swine flu outbreak in America?

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom Chaim,

What is the Kahanist answer to the Agunah Problem (Jewish men refusing to give their wives a certificate of divorce when they divorce them)?

Also, are there any Jews that oppose divorce entirely except for the reason of adultery, the way devout Christians do?


Dear Chaim,

That was funny how you were surprised that I knew about Wally George last week. His show existed before I was born, but I discovered him on zootube recently. You're right that his show was trashy. It was exactly like Geraldo Rivera and Jerry Springer's shows.

My question is what do you think of Simon Wiesenthal? The Simon Wiesenthal Center is an evil organization, but do you think that Simon Wiesenthal himself was a good person?

Hello Chaim, and shalom.

I would love to hear your thoughts about the
in which the world would have a global governing and monetary system.
Tim Geitner .

Also, what do you think about the and the idea of forming a ?
Is this truly the beginning of the end? would you say that judgment day as portrait by Ezekiel is already here?
I hate to sound like "all of those people", but all the signs point towards the same conclusion.



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