Author Topic: Letter to the President of Russia, H.E. Dmitry Medvedev  (Read 2584 times)

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Letter to the President of Russia, H.E. Dmitry Medvedev
« on: October 21, 2009, 03:38:49 AM »
11.080 Земун, Магистратски трг 3,
Тел/факс: 3077-028, [email protected]  -                      Бр. 1101/09 - 19. 10. 2009.

Open letter to the President of the Russian Federation, H.E. Dmitry Medvedev

Yours Excellency,
You are the president of one of the world's most powerful countries, a country on whose international actions relies the future of the Civilization. Based on this fact the destiny of the Serbian nation and Serbian territories lies to a certain degree in your hands.
Croatia occupied Republic of Serbian Krajina [an UN protected territory] in 1995 and ethnically cleansed this territory of Serbs, who were 88% of the total inhabitants.   
The property of the Serbian families has been destroyed, abandoned or provided to Croatian families. The private property is a holy right and founding principle of modern democracy. On the other hand Croatia is not respecting these rights which belong also to the Serbs, although the EU insists that European nations must strictly guarantee these democratic standards. We are reminding you that Republic of Serbian Krajina was placed under the protection of the UN according to the resolution SC, No. 743 (1992), which recognized the state-building rights of the Serbs and guaranteed that on the territory of Krajina Croatian laws will not pass on. This decision of the UN was based on the historical constitutionality of the Krajina Serbs. This constitutionality was confirmed by the Hungarian king Matthew Korvin. He permitted Serbian administration, self-governance and military and juridical organization in 1473. The Serbs enjoyed this political status also in Austria, in the year of 1639, when emperor Ferdinand II ratified the Serbian Constitution [Vlaski] – “Statute Valahorum”. Since then the Serbs possessed their own courts in Austria in whose administration the Austrian courts were not involved. 
The Serbian constitutionality in Republic of Serbian Krajina was confirmed after WWI, when the state of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenians was created - in 1918.  Then was Croatia created as a binational state of Croats and Serbs, identical to Belgium which is a binational state of Walloons and Flemish. When the break up of Yugoslavia was being prepared, the Croatian parliament eliminated the constitutionality of the Serbs and declared Republic of Croatia as a state only of the Croatian people, the Serbs were converted into a national minority.
A certain part of the representatives of the European Council’s parliament suggested to Croatia on 26-02-2006, to return the constitutionality to the Serbs and that Croatia should become again a binational state – just like until 1990.
The Serbian constitutionality in Krajina is recognized also by the high court of California, which recognized the government of Republic of Serbian Krajina as a co-accuser against the Vatican’s bank and the Franciscan Catholic Order of Croatia, concerning the deprive of Serbian, Jewish and Gypsy property during WW2. We are convinced that you will understand the suffering or the Serbian nation and that you will also, because of the Russian national interests, protect the Serbian nation and Serbian territories.
We believe that the Russian federation can successfully achieve this, by opening a debate at the SC, General Parliament of UN or in front of the international court in the Hague regarding the Croatian crimes and genocide over the Krajina Serbs. Russia can also protect the Serbian nation and territories using its relations with the EU members, OEBS and through bilateral cooperation with Germany, UK, France and other important European countries.

Yours sincerely,

Milorad Buha president of the 
Government of The Republic of Serbian Krajina