Author Topic: Alvin Sharpton the Black Tom Metzger  (Read 1820 times)

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Alvin Sharpton the Black Tom Metzger
« on: April 20, 2007, 07:46:58 AM »

Al Sharpton: the Democrats’ Tom Metzger

by Bill Levinson

Q: What is the difference between Tom Metzger (Aryan Nations, Ku Klux Klan, White Aryan Resistance) and Al Sharpton (National Action Network)?

A: Tom Metzger was never invited to be a keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention (Kerry, 2004) or campaign with Ned Lamont. Nor did Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, and Joe Biden agree to appear at an Aryan Nations conference, as they just agreed to appear at Sharpton’s National Action Network.

Other than that, there is no practical difference between Tom Metzger and Al Sharpton. Both have used racist and anti-Semitic slurs. Both have, at least indirectly, incited racist violence in which people have been killed. Al Sharpton is simply a darker version of Tom Metzger, and racism stinks in every color. Continue reading this article »« Fold this article up

First, let us clarify the fact that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, and Joe Biden agreed to appear at Sharpton’s Black African Resistance (we invented this counterpart to Metzger’s White Aryan Resistance), otherwise known as the National Action Network.

Democrats Scramble to Court Sharpton
Presidential Candidates Scramble to Pursue Black Voters in the ‘Al Sharpton Primary’
NEW YORK Apr 18, 2007 (AP)— Democratic presidential contenders are scrambling for support in what’s being dubbed the Al Sharpton primary. The civil rights leader livened up the 2004 Democratic primary with his pompadour hairdo and sharp, witty oratory. This election, the high-profile Sharpton, fresh from the fight over Don Imus’ derogatory remarks, is attracting all the party’s major candidates this week for his annual National Action Network convention.

Or, as we rephrase this,

Democrats Scramble to Court “Black Tom Metzger”
Presidential Candidates Scramble to Pursue Worst Elements of Black Society in the ‘Black Tom Metzger Primary’
Democratic presidential contenders are scrambling for support in what’s being dubbed the “Black Tom Metzger primary.” The racist and anti-Semitic hatemonger livened up the 2004 Democratic primary with his pompadour hairdo and sharp, witty oratory against Jewish diamond merchants, bloodsucking Jews, white interlopers, Greek homos, and cracker lovers. This election, the high-profile Sharpton, fresh from the fight over Don Imus’ derogatory remarks, is attracting all the party’s major candidates this week for his annual Black African Resistance National Action Network convention.

Who is Tom Metzger? The ADL has a long dossier that shows him using the N word and publishing a cartoon that says, “A world without Jews and Negroes would be like a world without rats and cockroaches.” (We take it that he would not have minded going without the Salk polio vaccine, which would have been one “benefit” of his world without Jews.) Metzger and his fellow racists of the White Aryan Resistance use terms like “shameless, scurvy Jews” while accusing Jews of “butchering” Nicole Simpson. “Could the Jews really have set the whole thing up, sacrificed one of their own Isaacs, framed their own boy O.J., and then sent their best shysters in to defend him? Why not? It sounds so Jewish.”" Well, this should give the reader a fairly complete picture of Tom Metzger; one that is best not viewed on a full stomach.

Metzger changed from being a voluntary sideshow freak and village idiot into a dangerous hatemonger when, in 1984, he indirectly incited racist violence that resulted in the murder of an Ethiopian immigrant.

On November 12, 1988, skinheads from the Portland Oregon group, East Side White Pride, attacked three Ethiopian immigrants with a baseball bat and steel-toed boots. One of the immigrants - Mulugeta Seraw - was killed. Investigation into the murder resulted in three convictions and revealed close connections between the skinhead gang and White Aryan Resistance.

Among the most critical of these links was a letter to the skinheads signed by Metzger, stating in part: “Soon you will meet Dave Mazzella, our national vice-president, who will be in Portland to teach you how we operate and to help you understand more about WAR.” In fact, Mazzella did instruct the gang - including how to attack people of color. He would later explain that “Tom Metzger said the only way to get respect from skinheads is to teach them how to commit violence against blacks, against Jews, Hispanics, any minority.”

A jury decided that this behavior was sufficiently connected to the violent incident to hold Metzger and WAR civilly liable to the victim’s family. Al Sharpton, whose ring (or boots) Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, and Joe Biden are falling over one another to kiss, is simply the African-American equivalent of Tom Metzger.

…But the torching, so to speak, continued. In 1995-four years into the putative New Sharpton-there was another, fatal case in which Sharpton had a guilty hand: Freddy’s Fashion Mart. In Harlem, a white store owner — no, worse: a Jewish one — was accused of driving a black store owner out of business. At one of the many rallies meant to scare the Jewish owner away, Sharpton charged that “there is a systemic and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. I want to make it clear . . . that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Sharpton’s colleague, Morris Powell, said of the Jewish owner — Sharpton’s “white interloper” — “We’re going to see that this cracker suffers. Reverend Sharpton is on it.”

Fred Siegel’s outstanding “Democrats Embrace ‘Impresario of Hatred’” describes what happened next:

Picketers from Mr. Sharpton’s National Action Network, sometimes joined by “the Rev.” himself, marched daily outside the store, screaming about “bloodsucking Jews” and “Jew bastards” and threatening to burn the building down.

After weeks of increasingly violent rhetoric, one of the protesters, Roland Smith, took Mr. Sharpton’s words about ousting the “white interloper” to heart. He ran into the store shouting, “It’s on!” He shot and wounded three whites and a Pakistani, whom he apparently mistook for a Jew. Then he set the fire, which killed five Hispanics, one Guyanese and one African-American–a security guard whom protesters had taunted as a “cracker lover.” Smith then fatally shot himself.

For some reason, though, Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, who had been so diligent in helping to bankrupt the White Aryan Resistance over Metzger’s actions, was nowhere to be found when Sharpton’s National Action Network behaved like the Ku Klux Klan by menacing a store owner of the wrong complexion, after which one of Sharpton’s people murdered not one but seven innocent people. Nor was this the only incident of fatal violence with which Sharpton was connected.
A visiting rabbinical student from Australia by the name of Yankel Rosenbaum, 29, was killed during the rioting by a mob shouting “Kill the Jew.” Sharpton has been seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions with remarks such as “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house” and referring to Jews as “diamond merchants.”

Res ipsa loquitur: the thing speaks for itself. Al Sharpton is the Black counterpart of White Aryan Resistance leader and Klansman Tom Metzger. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, and Joe Biden have all chosen to consort openly with a racist and anti-Semitic hatemonger whose actions have been at least indirectly responsible for eight violent deaths.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 07:48:34 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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