Re: "...How can you compare this to cold blooded murder of innocent Jews!..."
Anyone willing to torture other human beings, and attempt to "justify" it, will in short order begin to actually "enjoy" doing it. From that depraved state of mind, it is a just a short step to becoming a "professional" at it. Then, newer ways to torture people, as well as more and more painful and more horrific ways to torture people; must constantly be introduced by those who torture others. Of course, sometimes the job is done so well that the victim simply dies. Other times the victim is so terribly mutilated and incapable of ever functioning again, that it only makes sense to murder them and dump their bodies in a gasoline fire. Once a society accepts such barbarism, it is just a matter of time before each and every arrest, unfounded or not, is followed by several days of excruciating and horrendous torture in torture chambers. Needless to say, a society practicing and condoning such crimes doesn't find rounding up and murdering Jews such a moral burden on their conscience; having (like the United States today) long ago lost any semblance of possessing a moral compass.
Go dig up some of the black and white photos of Nazis torturing and tormenting Jews. I dare you to tell me that the acts of Abu Ghraib are in any way different from them.
Finally; the Bush Dictatorship lied to the American people as well as the world; claimed the Geneva Convention was obsolete, and also "made their case" that because "the terrorists" were ready at any second to attack us with weapons of mass destruction, torture was a necessity "in order to keep the ""HomeLand"" (another Nazi nomenclature term) safe! Meanwhile, they not only torture people in airplanes, but ship them off to terrorist states to be tortured; while "claiming" that "they're within the letter of the law".
Now, knowing as you do that the United States is now torturing people to keep America safe from the terrorists, and knowing that Bush has literally bankrupted America permanently to attack Iraq rather than Iran & Saudi Arabia & Syria, I ask you these questions a full six years after 9/11.....
-Are you now safe from terrorist attack?
-Are you now safer from attack by terrorists because Bush began torturing Islamic maniacs? (who, by the way, wouldn't tell the truth no matter whether you torture them or not).
-Are you comfortable knowing that your government is torturing people as a matter of policy, stabbing Israel in the back, funding the PLO & Hamas, as well as supplying the PLO, Hamas, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, and other terrorist groups state of the art military training & weaponry, as well as deliberately preventing the policing of our national borders, allowing 30 million unknown and undocumented illegal aliens to invade our nation?
-You're now comfortable with all of the above, plus the knowledge that the torturing Bush gang didn't lift a finger to prevent a major American city from being flooded off the map?
If after thinking over the facts I've offered, and you still feel that torture is necessary for you to be safe, then all I can say is that you will soon get your wish, and it will be you, your parents, your brothers and sisters, and your wife or husband who will raped and tortured by American federal agents as well as local police officials.
Why would you be may be now asking?
For visiting the JTF website and JTF Forum. That's why.