The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Ismail Ax - S. Korean Shooter At Va Tech A Muslim?

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I am glad to hear someone other than myself feel that this nut job was influenced by the Muslims religion of murder. I don't think he was affiliated with any terrorist group per say however I think he was drawn into the Muslim cult of murder in one way or another. I am sure that the Media and government officials are suppressing this fact. I think if they gave Americans the full picture here about this story their would be total outrage over it and that's why officials are trying to keep the lid on this creatures motivations.

Christian Zionist:
This is Ironic. The main student reporter at Virginia Tech University at the time of the Massacre was a Palasnazian called Jamal al-Barghouti. Jamal Barghouti comes from a Rich family in the Palanazian occupied Territories, the Barghouti. Could Jamal Barghouti related to the Marwan Boughouti who is serving Life in Prison for terrorism against Israel?. Marwan Barghouti led the Youth Guard of Fatah as opposed to the Old Guard of Fatah led by the current President of the Palanazian occupied territories Mahmoud Abbas.

Christian Zionist:

His plan went off flawlessly.

First he did a diversionary attack. He had seen the reaction of the campus security, the week prior to this incident by issuing fake bomb threats. He probably noticed that the security tend to concentrate on the point of threat or incident.

From the location of the first incident, where two students were shot in the initial attack, there is considerable distance. Also it looks like he was let in into the first scene. Who did that?

Of course now the investigation focus on how he moved from the first location to the next. Who provided him with the weapons? Why would he file off the serial number of the weapons, if he was going to kill himself?

He had also marked out his victims. He succeeded in killing a jew (a holocaust survivor), Christians, even one (or more) hindu!

This is not a jilted lover killing out of madness. This was an operation, and it was flawless.

Also do not forget the salt lake city shooter

Ishmael is spelled Ismail in Arabic.

I think Chaim should do a video about this animal (about his muslim background) and it should be posted in Youtube.


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