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Ask JTF for Sunday, November 15, 2009.

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Gam Bashan veGam Gilad:
Hello Dear Chaim, :)

What is your take on Pete Gleason? Earlier this year he ran for City Council, and lost to Margaret Chin. I read that before the elections, the Israeli spoon-bending mentalist Uri Geller had written a letter for Gleason – extolling his support for the Jewish state. Uri Geller wrote: "When many in the world tried to block us from inclusion in the International Red Cross, Pete Gleason supported Israel". Geller also wrote: "Pete's personal experience of responding to the World Trade Center on 9/11 taught him how important global cooperation is given our modern-day challenges. He realizes the importance of the Israelis' experience with responding to terrorism".

What do you think of this?

Thank you as always and Shavu'a Tov,
Gam Bashan veGam Gil'ad. (:

P.S.: I heard Pete was endorsed by... Fernando Ferrerrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :D

Shalom brother Chaim.

I need you help this article I read on rabbi Meir Kahane (may his name and memory be immortalized) by this animal Michael Kauffmaan from the New York Nazi times. He talked about a  double life he allegedly had as Michael King living in the upper east side with model  Gloria Jean D'Argenio. Rabbi Kahane was indeed a handsome man ,and we all make mistakes but is this true?

Is it also true as Kauffmaan states he begged him not to write this .. I feel this part Kauffman had no right to mention because he can’t prove such a thing esp now that the rabbi is not here to defend himself. This article really disturbed me like no other I have ever read. Im am very hurt. Please clarify this for me, and you think of Kauffmaan.

Here is the link to the article ""
Thank you so much for all the work you do.

Shalom Chaim,

I'm interested in your opinion about what you believe will be the very likely ramifications and what are the other potential ramifications for the following:   

The horrific decision by Barack Hussein Obama and so called Attorney General Eric Holder for 9-11-01 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his accomplices to be tried by jury in a court in Lower Manhattan?

Thanks as always,  eb22.   

Sentinel For Truth:
Shalom Chiam,

I must respond to an answer you made on the commentary of Mamonides (Ram Bam) on Ask JTF the week before last.  I recoiled in horror when you revealed that Mamonides actually wrote that "Allah" and HaShem are the same God because they are both based on monotheism and are not anthropomorsized.  This is absolutely impossible and defies rational comprehension.  Despite the other commentaries he had, one cannot compare Satan to God and say they are the same.  

As pointed out by Craig Winn at, Allah is the only one capable of freely entering and exiting hell and oversees the horrific torture of infidels over and over.  There is no way that Y H W H can do this, he cannot enter Hell.  "Allah" was a demon and mohammed said that he was possessed soon after being "visited" by the "angel Gabriel" alone in a cave, and he can be completely discredited since he had no witnesses to these "revelations" and was a garden variety bloodthirsty warlord who excused his shocking savagery by saying "Allah" ordained it to be so.  Once his demonic minions attacked and destroyed the multicultural arab peninsula they enslaved its inhabitants under pisslam and sharia law, and it would never again know openness and tolerance of Christians and Jews.

Mamonides was a dhimmi in muslim nazi controlled Fez and he also lived in muslim nazi occupied Egypt where he and all Jews were subjugated in a third-class humiliating status.  Obviously if he had said that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was different from the satanic demon hellspawn Satan himself, "Allah", that goads rational people into completely insane bloodlust, he would have been putting his life and those of the Jews around him in jeopardy.  So it would be understandable that he would make up this nonsense to placate the muslim nazis that were dominating over them at the time.

Look at the reality of how brilliant the Jews have been over history and how great they are to this day.  Israel is a magnificent miracle from the loving God of the Torah while muslims live in squalor and filth, attacking everyone who doesn't believe exactly what they want them to believe, burning with jealous hatred at the Jews and everyone else for that matter.  Again, there is no way the Jews and the muslim nazis worship the same God, it is absolutely impossible and completely irrational to think so.

Just wanted to get your opinion on this.

Best regards always and may God bless you for your Holy mission,


Dear Reb Chaim,

I have this week two difficult and delicate questions.

* If a real Muslim (I don't mean cultural Muslim or people with Muslim family background) is killed, by the hand of a Jew in Israel, can this be classified as murder?

* If a real Muslim (I don't mean cultural Muslim or people with Muslim family background) is killed, by the hand of a Christian in a gentile country, can this be classified as murder?
Thank you very much,



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