Near the end of Semptember (I think) there was some kind of event in a big theater in Milan, which was about the celebration of "Burqas and muslim veils" in general, organaized by muslims of course. There was supposed to be a debate about the "beauty and the proud" for muslim women to wear those burqas, and that muslim women aren't forced to do that, and so on and so forth...
Well as far as I know, Santanchè had to partecipate to this "debate" inside the theater; being a member of a right wing party (and a feminist) she's against those kind of induments both because they're not part of our culture and because muslim women are forced to wear them.
Not to mention that the italian constitution forbid any kind of indument, religious or not, that cover the face of a person; in a time when there were no muslim in Italy it was belived by the people who wrote the constitution that to have a civilized society nobody should hide his face... Naive people, weren't they?
Anyway, before the event began, Santanchè was standing out the main entrance and it appears that she was ripping of burqas and veils out of the muslim women and girls that were entering the theater, or at least she was admonish them that those clothes are illegal...
This went on for a while until 3-4 muslim gorillas charge her, even though she has bodyguards, they manage to beat her: it appear that at least one of them punch her right in her face (because "they respect women more than us!", that's one of theyr mantras).
So she was hurt, she couldn't participate to the "party" and was sent to the hospital, in this way the news of this story came out, otherwise I doubt we, in Italy, would ever knew about this so called "event".
Now this should be enough, but the story doesn't end here...
Have you ever heard the news of a muslim terrorist kamikaze attack in Italy this October? I guess not...
Well one of those gorillas that beaten up Santanchè at that time, a libic citizen, went on a police station in Milan carrying an homemade bomb with 5kg of explosive: when the police halt him he shout something like "Italy must get out of Afganistan" and then he detonated the bomb.
Unfortunately (for him) something happened; the bomb didn't explode properly, only 1/10 of the explosive blew up so the explosion actually blew up only HIM

, he lost part of his harm, an eye and I think he is still in really bad shape. I know it may sound absurd to cure a muslim terrorist in a hospital with taxpayer euros, but the government want him healty so that they can interrogate him: it appears that he bought more than 100 kgs of explosive materials and when police went after his friend and his house they found "only" 40 kgs...
So there are more of them to come I guess...
Anyway that police station has been already targeted by muslim terrorists in past years, but our intellingence alwayls manage to stop way before the terrorist can put in practise their plan.
It appear that these "dumb terrorist heads" studied the planimetry of the building and they figured out that there is a specific wall inside, very close to the entrance, which is critical for the structure of the building itself therefore they thought that by blowing that 5kg bomb in that particular point they could have destroyed half building and killing a huge number of policemen and civilinas.
By the way, the particular police station he targeted in Milan it's called "Santa Barbara", for those who believe in saints... Well that's quite ironic that his bomb didn't blow up properly.
Anyway when this happened I made a research on the net to see how the foreign media were reporting the news, it really took me an hard time to find the line on a Us newspaper... Then they say "muslim don't control the media"