Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Serbian music
It has been a bit monotonous in Serbian section these last few days so I decided to open another thread.
Post old Serbian music (note to SRP- Shota is not Serbian music)
Does someone know if youtube videos can be embedded here?
Great authentic music! Emotional and dramatic. Thank you for sharing!
Every Jew AK47:
Музика је одлично. Никада нисам схватио српска музика имала такве лепоте.
It is beautiful song :'(
It almost sounds middle eastern .. Intersting.. Maybe Jews and Serbians do have some unknown connection.. LOL
--- Quote from: DeathToIslam on November 12, 2009, 03:36:35 AM ---Музика је одлично. Никада нисам схватио српска музика имала такве лепоте.
It is beautiful song :'(
It almost sounds middle eastern .. Intersting.. Maybe Jews and Serbians do have some unknown connection.. LOL
--- End quote ---
Thank you very much. I'll put some more when I get time.
About the connection between Serbs and Jews, I don't know. I've read somewhere that Serbs have Semitic origin, and there is also a book about similarities between Serbian and Hebrew. But, it's not that important, the spiritual bond is what matters.
What do you think of this song? I liked it :)
It sounds like something from 1970-ies, so it is certainly a Yugoslav song. But as far as understand, it is just a nostalgic song that have nothing to do with praising "bratstvo i jedinstvo".
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