Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Serbian music
--- Quote from: Spectator on November 25, 2009, 03:33:37 AM ---Kosovskii Bozuri-Djenerale
"Ђенерале, ђенерале нек' је твојој мајци хвала што јунака родила је да се српству врати слава"
"General, general, gratitude to your mother for giving birth to the hero who restored Serbian glory"
I wonder who are these "bande arnautske"? Albanians?
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Yes, Albanians. We used to call them Arnauti or Arbanasi.
I wanted to post some "gusle" music here, but I never get the time for it.
--- Quote ---Gusle is an very old instrument played all over the Serb lands. Its songs were basic and often the only way to hand down traditions and memory of Serb people during the rule of foreigners. People gathered around gusle players and listened epic songs about Serb heroes and suffering of Serb nation. Very often, large crowd and players began to cry touched by very emotional contents.
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You can check gusle songs on youtube, they have a very "characteristic" sound, but also very powerful. When you hear them live, they lift your spirit up, and make your blood boil:)
:clap: :clap: :clap:
This is not a Serbian song (maybe our Jewish friends will recognize it), but it's a Serbian lady with a beautiful voice.
"Uslisi molitve, andjele,
dabogda pocrkali dusmani,
pa budi andjeo osvete,
neka na svojoj kozi osete,
sta znaci beda, strah i bol."
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