The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

The 'Holy Father' does something right for a change

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--- Quote from: Get thee hence Satan on September 15, 2006, 01:10:10 AM ---Muslim anger grows at Pope speech

A statement from the Vatican has failed to quell criticism of Pope Benedict XVI from Muslim leaders, after he made a speech about the concept of holy war.

Speaking in Germany, the Pope quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only "evil and inhuman" things.

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood said the Pope's remarks "aroused the anger of the whole Islamic world".


May G-d bless the Pope for this remark!

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Yep, called a fukken damn raghead a fukken damn raghead (although that is NOT the terminilogy he used)

El Cabong!:
Where was the outrage from the muslims when saddam hussein killed over 200,000 of his own people in poison gas attacks? Where is the outrage when muslims are killing innocent muslims in suicide attacks in Iraq? Where is the outrage when Iran allows the barbaric bloodthirsty stoning of a woman who has been raped?
Let a pope repeat an ancient quote from a dead emperor and these ignorant uneducated cannibals get in a hissy fit over words.

If the Catholic church apologizes I will think of them just as I think of the dirty muslim religion. Apologizing to the muslims is tantamount to the Catholics surrendering to muslim. If the pope apologizes, i will no longer think of him as the leader of the Catholic church, but as an appeaser and follower of muslim opinion.

What muslims need to do is apologize to the world for bringing such a hateful, sinister, murderous, destructive and sinful religion to this world.

El Cabong!:
A religion that practices hate, violence and murder needs not be apologized to. When women can be stoned to death for being raped, a poor destitute person gets his hand cut off for stealing food, 9 year old girls forced into rape (marriage) by their own parents and their own religious leaders are behind it, you know this a twisted, sick, cult of blood thirsty primitive animals. And you have people who defend this rabid cult and tell you that it is a "peaceful" religion. A religion that stifles progress, enslaves women, brainwashes the young into killing themselves for the sake of killing innocent people who don't agree with them. Oh, yeah, they need apologize to the WORLD for allowing this stupid stone age belief to have been allowed to exist.

Top muslim clerics can shout death to America, death to Israel, kill all infidels and no one chastises them or calls for their apology. This is the outrage in all this. We let those animals say whatever they want and they've gotten used to it. No one cares what they're saying until one of them puts a bomb under your ass.

Let a pope quote and ancient andcorrect observation made by a dead emperor and muslims get bent outta shape. And all this while they still stone women for being raped.

ONE Disagreement, there IS NO SUCH THING as an innocent Muslim. 1.5  bilion muslims = 1.5 billion terrorists. The muslims are taught hate of non muslims form they day they are born to the day the sand whiggers grow up (I use THAT term very loosely). The world would be better off without Islam and Arabs. Men WOmen or CHildren. Punk ass mother fukker ahmedinijab or any other raghead dont like it? Tell the mother fukker raghead to come get it. CHRISTIANITY will rule from the Apex of Everest downwar to the sea. From the North Pole to the South Pole.


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 15, 2006, 09:38:05 AM ---Ann Coulter has said things like we need to destroy Islam and refuses to renounce her statements ;D

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It was spoken by a nazi

we would both go to hell

forever to hear

the clanging of eerie bells

to this nazi I proclaim

meet us there o do.

For impudence moronic

is that which hates a Jew

For it all made obvious

and this forum to see

You will have to decide

which of these pics is  ME!




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