Also, a lot of these wildlife exhibits are EXTREMELY anti-White & anti-Semitic. They'll take our help, and then turn around to betray us. Islam gives them "protection" to be as racist/anti-Semitic as they want. The coons are born victims and that is why, I could care less if they live, die or turn to ash! The funny thing is: I work in an all-chimp area (hence my thoughts), and if I can't remeber/pronounce these animals names, I'm racist. If someone calls me racist, I just say: "Thanks, I must be doing something right!" If only we knew the language of our ancestors, I'd be in a better area.
Can I ask you jtfers something? Why is it that when you're starting out after college/grad school/med school etc... and you're white, you are only offered jobs feeding bananas? What's the point of trying to educate these animals? Anyone?