Author Topic: Who to trust, who to avoid...?  (Read 646 times)

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Offline Chaim5747

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Who to trust, who to avoid...?
« on: November 24, 2009, 10:15:56 AM »

Recently, I am puzzled and confused, not knowing who to trust and who to avoid in the political world...

Obviously, almost no one here is a fan of Ron Paul (someone please point me to where I can read more about why that's the case?).

I'm also very suspicious of Alex Jones (you know, the guy behind InfoWars and PrisonPlanet) and his crowd.  Not only is he a Ron Paul supporter, but he allows anti-Semitism and Jew-hatred to run rampant among his comments, and he links to such websites as well (the kind which claim that Zionists are Illuminati, that Jews want to control the world or do so already, that Israelis treat "Palestinians" badly, that Jews were responsible for 9/11, etc.).  In fact, take a look at this "Zionist anti-Communist" blog and its posts relating to Alex Jones...
(In fact, if anyone wants, I can elaborate more about Alex Jones.)

Actually, while I'm thinking about that, I think that maybe we should also be wary about the "libertarians" over that Lew Rockwell website, (they also, for the most part, seem to be real fans of Ron Paul)

In fact, why don't I list the names of some people and organizations, and you all tell me what you think and whether they can be trusted or not...
FOX News
FrontPage Magazine
Pajamas Media
The American Thinker
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Sarah Palin
The Oath Keepers
David Horowitz
Mark Levin
Pamela Geller (she's the one who runs the blog Atlas Shrugs
Debbie Schlussel
Rabbi Daniel Lapin
The Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)

(I think we all agree here that the MSM is corrupt and cannot be trusted, right?)

Offline Lisa

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Re: Who to trust, who to avoid...?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2009, 10:25:08 AM »
I like  Joseph Farah is very pro-Israel.  Frontpagemagazine is also good.  David Horowitz does a good job of exposing leftism, and the hoodlum moosies on college campuses.  But he's not as right wing as JTF when it comes to Israel. 

Atlas Shrugs is also a good blog, as is American Thinker and Debbie Schlussel. 

I don't know what Rabbi Daniel Lapin has been up to lately.  However one of the members here wrote that he said bad things about Rabbi Kahane. 

JPFO also looks like a good site.

Offline Chaim5747

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Re: Who to trust, who to avoid...?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2009, 10:36:21 AM »
Yes, I also like and trust Joseph Farah and WND (I also just sent him a message of support after the ADL attacked him for being "hateful").

But as for the other Gentiles whom I listed... George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin... what about them?

As for the Oath Keepers... at first, I was interested in them, but then after the ADL attacked them for being a hate group, there were some comments flying around there about Jews being the elites who want to bring about the NWO, and then that blog entry got axed.  Here's the original link, if anyone can somehow find it... ...but now it just redirects to their main page.  Suspicious...  (And I'm also concerned by how the JPFO are friends with the Oath Keepers... you see all the dots which I'm trying to connect here?)

Offline Lisa

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Re: Who to trust, who to avoid...?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2009, 10:48:23 AM »
I like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. 

I'll have to do some more research into the Oath Keepers.