So, the western Europe is experiencing now what we, Serbs, survived 500 years ago (Although, we were under Turkish occupation at the time). I'll give to Germans and other Europeans to whom this is happening a friendly warning, those converts will be your worst enemies. We have an old saying here: "If a Turk has his hands bloody to his wrists, a Serbian convert must have his hands bloody to his elbows."
WOW! This is hard! But ture.
We ARE under Turkish occupation here in Germany and also the Dutch are! Look at the number of Turks abroad: picked those having either more than 100,000 of them or those representing more than 1%:
Germany: about 1,9 million or 2,7 million if Kurds included 2.4 - 3.3% of total populationFrance: 500,000 0.8%
Netherlands: 420,000 2.5%UK: 300,000 (they are invading the Isles also!?) 0.5%
Austria: 250,000 3%USA: about 170,000 0.05% (I envy you for that!)
Australia: between 54,000 and 120,000 0.3 - 0.6%
Belgium: 110,000 1%
ISRAEL: 48,000 (!!!) - I guess most of them Jews who left Turkey 0.7%
Denmark: 53,000 or 1%
"Kosovo" province of Serbia: 50,000 or 2% of total
Japan: 1,100 (seems like heaven to me!)
Brazil: 5,700 (nothing in a population of 190 million!)