Actually, as far as I saw around the net about how black revisionists "think", they may have even the courage to consider this as one of "their accomplishment"...
I don't really remember where exactly I read it, but there was the "usual" black genius stating "which and when" the white devils stole "theyr" inventions... The guy was making a huge list of so-called "stolen inventions", these kind of BS is pretty common around the net, but the thing that bugged me was that he was stating that "white people didn't invent the telephone" and that "Bell stealed the invetion"...

Well as far as I know (and now in these past years it has been officialized) an Italian immigrant in the US, called Meucci, was the original inventor of the telephone, but he was poor and not very lucky so that he couldn't afford to pay patent for his invention for many years... Then later on came Bell which I don't really know if genuinly developed his own version of a telephone or if he actually "stole" the invention from Meucci, but he had money to pay all the patents and the support of various industries so he became rich and has been considered the inventor of the telephone since recent years. (I don't remember the story in its full detail, it may be a little bit complicated than this)
Anyway now Meucci is considered to be the original inventor of the telephone, but going back to the "black genius" creature I was referring to: since it's official that Bell "stole" the invention then it's the proof that "they", the blacks, invented telephone!

Why? Because probably (again I'm not sure about the details) at that time immigrants from Italy where classified as "non-white europeans" or something like that, therefore italians and Meucci in particular were not considered as "whites" so by the logic of the disturbed mind of these black revisionists they can claim that he was one of them!!!

As you can see from this photo of Meucci, he looks clearly as black man, doesn't he?
Or maybe he doesn't look like a negro because now that is official that Meucci is the real inventor then the "white devils" had to bleach the Meucci's skin in his photos to decieve people.

So I wouldn't be surprized if 20 years from now they will claim that this "artificial arm" is one of theyr accomplishments, maybe because italian aren't "whites" or because "you had african blacks which clean the labs that are actually the ones who have inspired the invention".