Every backward inbred nazi honky in the country uses the USS Liberty as an excuse to hate Jews. As if the Americans haven't blown up enough of their own troops, planes and military equipment with friendly fire.. Geez, like 30-40% of casualties in Iraq were friendly fire. I don't hear them b*tching and moaning about that.. These scumbags. Yeah, they are one-sided.. America is divided, into those who hate JEws and those who love. However, those who hate Israel also hate themselves and they are useless, backward, uneducated and generally lacking in self-confidence and any future for themselves or their offstrping.
ONe other thing, the USS Liberty was trespassing on Iraeli waters. Had an Israeli ship trespassed on USA waters, they would have blown that Israeli ship to kingdom come.. And what was the Liberty doing, it was giving secret information to the Jordanians, who were the allies of USA at the time. Israel was afraid of spy ships and was fighting for its life, so it came on a ship that was in a very risky area. Well, the Americans in the government at the time and the Jew haters won't ever admit to the fact that USA was giving out secret information revealing Israeli locations to Jordanians and intercepting Israeli radio transmissions. Why was this happening, probably a breakdown in communication in the government. When you have two different allies fighting each other, its hard to know which one to serve. Sadly, America didn't realize what it got itself into by assisting the Jordanians and sneaking into Israeli waters. During the heat of combat, some Israeli jets found a ship they were sure was Egyptian or arab spy ship and they attacked it out of fear. Then they go crying about how cruel Isarel is.
Why don't these arab loving traitors realize they are fighting G-d and our freedom, by promoting this USS Liberty Hoax! Why don't these Jew haters shoot themselves for all the friendly fire deaths that happen in Iraq. I suppose Americans are bigger traitor to themselves then, seeing how many Americans died by friendly fire?

It's absurd!!!!