Save Western Civilization > Save Europe

To Fruit whats going on in Scotland

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I am kind and polite to all the people I meet and I have never had any trouble in Scotland, but, of course, you hear about things all the time.

I live in the same town as Fruit and I can go into the roughest bars without any bother. I think that it is a safe place for me.

However, if you look for a fight, you will certainly get one.

I never ever leave my drinks unattended, as people do get 'spiked', but I am quite happy to walk home alone if I have been out drinking in the town. It's not a problem.

There are plenty of taxi ranks about.

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: sat_chit_anand on April 25, 2007, 06:39:00 PM ---I am kind and polite to all the people I meet and I have never had any trouble in Scotland, but, of course, you hear about things all the time.

I live in the same town as Fruit and I can go into the roughest bars without any bother. I think that it is a safe place for me.

However, if you look for a fight, you will certainly get one.

I never ever leave my drinks unattended, as people do get 'spiked', but I am quite happy to walk home alone if I have been out drinking in the town. It's not a problem.

There are plenty of taxi ranks about.

--- End quote ---

Our city is actually relatively safe but you are right, being nice to people throws them off-guard and they have no choice but to be nice back.  :)  I have actually wandered our city so drunk that I blacked out and no one ever laid a finger on me in fact one person actually helped me get home even although I was sicking every two minutes.  Maybe G-d sends down angels to see that the righteous come to no harm.


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