Author Topic: I support Ron Paul  (Read 12193 times)

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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #75 on: December 08, 2009, 12:49:04 AM »
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.

You matched the IP's?

Nope, you won't match his IP To mine.. you want to talk to me on phone?? You're welcome.. Come and spew your insults to me.. I am a man are you?? I am not a troll or spammer..  I am a devoted Zionist and full blooded Ashkenazi Jew.. I support Rabbi Kahane and want the same thing for Israel that most of you do, the eradication of arabs/muslims  from Israel.  I also want America free from third world donkeys and nazis..  Just because I said Ron Paul would be better for Israel, I am suddenly a troll and Hitler??  No offense, but you guys are idiotic.
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Offline Rubystars

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #76 on: December 08, 2009, 12:49:31 AM »
If he was such a good guy, then why was Whorefront supporting him? That should send up big red flags to you. Also I would say that it seems you ought to trust Chaim's analysis of RP. He can see right through these so-called conservative frauds.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #77 on: December 08, 2009, 12:49:54 AM »
Dr. Brennan.. You name time and plce to meet.

I will F**K Ur As up.. for sayhing I post dead Jew pics..

I lost 6,000,000 relatives in Germany you mother F**KER... Don't f**K with me!

Man F**K U I am an Ashkenazi Jew.. I am not St. SHitler..

You want to talk face to face and tell me I am Hitler, I am welcomgin you..  You want to come and meet me?  I am not afraid .. I am not a pathetic coward who hides on the net and insults people.. YOu name time and place.. I saw mR. shitler he came and hid..

I am 100% Ashkenazi Jew.. I am most pure bred person here.  My grandmother/grandfather come from Ukraine, Russia..  My other grandfther on mothers side is Polish JEw.  

I am ready to fight and I am ready to defend the JEwish people. I  want to die with a gun in my hand.  I will not die like my ancestors did in EUrope..

IF you want to come and call me Hitler, I welcome you..  

If you're aa goy.. You got a lot of chutzpah for [censored] on a Jewish man calling him  Hitler..
An interesting "Jew" you are, to spam the forum with dead Jew pictures.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #78 on: December 08, 2009, 12:51:42 AM »
Dr. Brennan.. You name time and plce to meet.

I will F**K Ur As up.. for sayhing I post dead Jew pics..

I lost 6,000,000 relatives in Germany you mother F**KER... Don't f**K with me!
Have a good evening too, Ralph.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #79 on: December 08, 2009, 01:01:16 AM »
Dr. Brennan.. You name time and plce to meet.

I will F**K Ur As up.. for sayhing I post dead Jew pics..

I lost 6,000,000 relatives in Germany you mother F**KER... Don't f**K with me!

Man F**K U I am an Ashkenazi Jew.. I am not St. SHitler..

You want to talk face to face and tell me I am Hitler, I am welcomgin you..  You want to come and meet me?  I am not afraid .. I am not a pathetic coward who hides on the net and insults people.. YOu name time and place.. I saw mR. shitler he came and hid..

I am 100% Ashkenazi Jew.. I am most pure bred person here.  My grandmother/grandfather come from Ukraine, Russia..  My other grandfther on mothers side is Polish JEw.  

I am ready to fight and I am ready to defend the JEwish people. I  want to die with a gun in my hand.  I will not die like my ancestors did in EUrope..

IF you want to come and call me Hitler, I welcome you..  

If you're aa goy.. You got a lot of chutzpah for [censored] on a Jewish man calling him  Hitler..
An interesting "Jew" you are, to spam the forum with dead Jew pictures.


Death to Islam, I don't think you're a Nazi and I don't think you're a troll. I believe that you are a Jew.

But I can't understand how you can support such a vicious and obsessive Jew-hater like Ron Paul. You don't realize how dangerous it is to put someone like that in the White House with all the power of the presidency? There is no doubt that Ron Paul would use his power to do everything he could to harm Israel and the Jewish people.

Ron Paul is one of the few members of Congress who defends Iran's nuclear bomb-making program, and he is one of the few members of Congress who sided with the Hezballah terrorists in Lebanon against Israel.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #80 on: December 08, 2009, 01:44:16 AM »
I am going to investigate deeper into the issue of Ron Paul, Chaim..  Thanks for bringing this to my attention. There is a lot of Orthodox and religious Jews who were supporting him.  THere is even lot of settlers who were supporting Ron Paul.   We were naive enough, perhaps to belive Ron Paul would leave Israel alone and not interfere anymore in Middle Eastern affairs.  But as you are saying, Ron Paul perhaps is more nazi than libertarian. A true libertarian believes in freedom and small government.  He believs in not dictating to other countries what they should do with themselves.  I have to say I am a libertarian, but I always had a bad feeling about Ron Paul...  Maybe I am wrong to support him.  I will investigate deeper into the claims that he supported the arabs during last war. 

One reason why maybe I can blieve this is that he did take a picture with Don Black leader of StørmFrønt and refused to give back his donation money..   But, you have to realize many Jews do support him because they think he will stop giving arabs money and let Israel defend itself.  But, the Jewish people have been fooled in the past.  Perhaps I am a fool..

I am man enough to say I can be a fool.. Please don't ban me or call me a troll or nazi because I am a man and prone to error.  I will investigate this. I am an open-minded person and the only thing I am proud about is being a Jew who loves his people.  I will seriously look into what your are saying about Paul.  Perhaps, I will not endorse him anymore.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #81 on: December 08, 2009, 07:31:35 AM »
you would vote for a prez who might try to put you in gas chambers ?

Look, I also thought that was crazy that he just said that, but my question is, where are people getting it from that ron paul would want to do such a thing?   I think that is rather nutty to accuse ron paul of that.  I'm not even saying I like the guy but to say he wants to put Jews into chambers?   Did Ron Paul write Mein Kampf?   It seems people have gone a little overboard with ron paul.    The fact is, that guy has no chance of ever being elected.   But some of his views I do happen to agree with.   This guy seems to be saying the same thing.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #82 on: December 08, 2009, 07:36:30 AM »
You guys, I don't believe how many of you are defending that nutso Ron Paul.  I

The fact that he accepted money from Pedofront and refused to return should tell you everything!

His explanation was, he'd rather use the money for his campaign than let pedofront use it for their own evil means.  Maybe you don't believe that.  I'm not sure I do either.   But it's possible.

And whoever said that everyone will see how it's America bossing Israel around as opposed to the opposite, you're sorely mistaken. 

If that is so, then why did the settlement movement flourish while there were US presidents condemning it every step of the way, and US ambassadors in the UN calling it illegal and wrong?    Then all of a sudden Israel decided it has to listen to what the US says?  But before it didn't care?  So what would be the imperative to listen now if there was no consequence before when they weren't?   To me it's a very simple explanation.   Israel has adopted the US's point of view.  Now the "pressure" and "condemnations" have become convenient.

  This is man who said the Likud dictates the foreign policy of the neocons.

In a sense, I agree with him.   Likud (Bibi) says, please Obama blame us and condemn us so that when I freeze Yesha settlement and kick Jews out of their homes, I can blame you instead of the blame lying with me... This way the people won't revolt against me.

In terms of that scenario of American Jews being rounded up and killed,
   By whom?  This is in no way realistic if you mean that that will become American govt policy.   That is absurd.  America is not threatened by Galut Jews or Galut Judaism.   The only danger for Jews in America is the Muslim terror.   And that's very real.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #83 on: December 08, 2009, 07:41:59 AM »
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.

This is unforgivable.  How dare you say things like this.  Because a guy likes Ron Paul you can assume he's an evil person who once spammed the forum and then call him Hitler?   That you are calling this Jewish guy hitler is an outrage CF.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #84 on: December 08, 2009, 06:15:57 PM »
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.

This is unforgivable.  How dare you say things like this.  Because a guy likes Ron Paul you can assume he's an evil person who once spammed the forum and then call him Hitler?   That you are calling this Jewish guy hitler is an outrage CF.
This ended a while ago. Over.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #85 on: December 08, 2009, 08:00:20 PM »
Also RP is a mason and we all know that JTF looks down on that group.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #86 on: December 08, 2009, 08:34:59 PM »
Where's Carpenter in all this?

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #87 on: December 08, 2009, 08:36:13 PM »

Where's Carpenter in all this?

I think he was banned.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #88 on: December 08, 2009, 08:42:21 PM »
This is unforgivable.  How dare you say things like this.  Because a guy likes Ron Paul you can assume he's an evil person who once spammed the forum and then call him Hitler?   That you are calling this Jewish guy hitler is an outrage CF.
I thought that he was Ralph, who recently had trolled the forum under the screenname "St. Hitler".

I am giving him the benefit of the doubt but if you want to know why I thought that, PM me and I will give you more information.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #89 on: December 08, 2009, 08:44:17 PM »
Look, I also thought that was crazy that he just said that, but my question is, where are people getting it from that ron paul would want to do such a thing?   I think that is rather nutty to accuse ron paul of that.  I'm not even saying I like the guy but to say he wants to put Jews into chambers?   Did Ron Paul write Mein Kampf?   It seems people have gone a little overboard with ron paul.    The fact is, that guy has no chance of ever being elected.   But some of his views I do happen to agree with.   This guy seems to be saying the same thing.
The dude was the only man in Congress to publicly support Hezbollah and defend the Assad regime in Syria. The guy makes Obama look like a Zionist.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #90 on: December 08, 2009, 09:06:44 PM »
Look, I also thought that was crazy that he just said that, but my question is, where are people getting it from that ron paul would want to do such a thing?   I think that is rather nutty to accuse ron paul of that.  I'm not even saying I like the guy but to say he wants to put Jews into chambers?   Did Ron Paul write Mein Kampf?   It seems people have gone a little overboard with ron paul.    The fact is, that guy has no chance of ever being elected.   But some of his views I do happen to agree with.   This guy seems to be saying the same thing.
The guy makes Obama look like a Zionist.

I think the opposite is true.

Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #91 on: December 08, 2009, 09:11:27 PM »
I think the opposite is true.
How so? Obama may be an anti-Semite and anti-Israel but Israel is just one part of his Bolshevik schvartze agenda. He has many other evil plans, like socializing healthcare and fattening the banks and auto companies and increasing abortion. Ron Paul is pretty singularly focused on the Jews, like Buchanan.


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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #92 on: December 08, 2009, 09:16:28 PM »
I think the opposite is true.
How so? Obama may be an anti-Semite and anti-Israel but Israel is just one part of his Bolshevik schvartze agenda. He has many other evil plans, like socializing healthcare and fattening the banks and auto companies and increasing abortion. Ron Paul is pretty singularly focused on the Jews, like Buchanan.

I'm not sure to what degree that's true for Paul, but it's definitely true for Buchanan. On Pat Buchanan's blog, "Israel" is the second most common tag after "Barack Obama." "Economy" is the fourth most common tag word. Destroying Israel is a bigger priority for Pat Buchanan than fixing the American economy.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #93 on: December 08, 2009, 09:18:53 PM »
I'm not sure to what degree that's true for Paul, but it's definitely true for Buchanan. On Pat Buchanan's blog, "Israel" is the second most common tag after "Barack Obama." "Economy" is the fourth most common tag word. Destroying Israel is a bigger priority for Pat Buchanan than fixing the American economy.
The reason Buchanan is not fond of Obama is because he thinks Obama is not anti-Israel enough.


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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #94 on: December 08, 2009, 09:48:35 PM »
Here are the most common tags on his blog.

1. Barack Obama (184)
2. Israel (109)
3. War (105)
4. Ron Paul (90)
5. Economy (82)

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #95 on: December 09, 2009, 06:20:23 AM »
Look, I also thought that was crazy that he just said that, but my question is, where are people getting it from that ron paul would want to do such a thing?   I think that is rather nutty to accuse ron paul of that.  I'm not even saying I like the guy but to say he wants to put Jews into chambers?   Did Ron Paul write Mein Kampf?   It seems people have gone a little overboard with ron paul.    The fact is, that guy has no chance of ever being elected.   But some of his views I do happen to agree with.   This guy seems to be saying the same thing.
The dude was the only man in Congress to publicly support Hezbollah and defend the Assad regime in Syria. The guy makes Obama look like a Zionist.

Was he really the only one?   Also, much like DTI, I didn't realize he had done this.   That is horrific.   RP is such a muzzie lover.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #96 on: December 09, 2009, 06:53:31 AM »
Leaving the whole issue of rno paul aside, I'd like to hear Lisa's responses to my other comments.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #97 on: December 09, 2009, 07:05:40 AM »
Well I am learning about Ron Paul.  I am a Conservative LIbertarian.. I think the hatred of Libertarians is unfounded by some people here. Not all Libertarians believe in sitting on their butts with their guns , prostitutes and marijuana pipes.  That is a giant misconception.  If anything, Republicans and Democrats have done more whoring , just under the covers, then the LIbertarians have.  Yes, well lot of scummy people call themselves libertarians, but so do a lot of self-hating Jews call themslevs Jews.. Does that mean every Jew is like Rahm Emmanuel or Madeline Albright?  

LIsten, I am agreeing with Chaim and others here now that Ron Paul is behaving like a monkey.  I am researching deeper. It turns out he thinks Mossad did 9/11..  

Ron Paul is acting more like a liberal conspiracy artist now than a libertarian.  Ron Paul did have some good ideas, which were not his own, but fundamental to libertarian party.  He believed in ending our idiotic helath care system, throwing illegal aliens out of hte country and protecting gun and firearm rights..  However, Ron Paul seems to be a traitor the more I read.. He seems to be using the good name of libertarian party to fulfill his agenda.. It turns out he even left libertarian party behind0 to be a republican.. GO FIGURE!

HItler was a Socialist Pig.. NOt a Libertarian.. Libertarians believe in protecting the rights of all American citizens.  Libertarians don't support telling Israel what to do and how they should live and where they can build.  Look at Republicans.  Every Republican president in USA has made as many attempts as possible to make life miserable for Jewish people.  We can thank that scumbag Nixon for saving Sadat's a-s-s in Egypt when Israel was rolling its tanks, ready to crush its wicked opponent.  Republicans (Neo-cons) are not a true friend to Israel.. The true old-school REpublican party was much more like Libertarian.  People like ROn Paul are disgracing Libertarian party, just like how Bush I & II disgraced the republican party.  But Paul is a total fraud I am seeing.. This sucks..

Many Jews are Libertarians.. If people think being a Libertarian means you're a Jew hater, you have had your head in ur butt for too long!  Libertarians believe in putting a gun in the hand of every JEw. They believe in protecting America's sovereignty and dignity.  Republicans are sitting on their butts while Mexis run through our borders illegaly and minorities are wasting our welfare system.  Libertarians will put an end to the stupid spending and let indivudal states have more autonomy to organize their assets and not be a slaves for the begging liberal states in our country.     Also Libertarians believe in ending the endless aid and military support America gives to the Arabs.  The Republican party has helped Saudi Arabia, Israel's arch-rival build some very sophisticated anti-missle technology.  George W was King Fasad's little bag boy.  

Anyway, these are mine and many other Jews reasons for being Libertarisn.  I can see Ron Paul is a liar and has led the party astray, with his backward honky national socialist affiliation.  I should have done my homework on him, before I endorsed him.. I apologize greatly for that.  Many politicians do talk out of both sides of their mouth.

Thanks for your Support Kahane-Was-Right.  I know Dr. Brennan Fan was fast on the trigger calling me a nazi troll.  I guess being a moderator is not an easy job and sometimes you deal with so many bad people, you don't realize who is who anymore.  He probably didn't read all my posts, he just saw Ron Paul and a red flag trigger.  I want to be friends with Dr. Brennan Fan and not have any bad blood.. If you support Jews, Israel and are a Zionist you should be my friend, not my enemy.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #98 on: December 09, 2009, 01:54:09 PM »
I"m not a fan of any political movement including some of the views of Libertarianism..This movement also has some flaws if it were absolutist in nature...

Well I am learning about Ron Paul.  I am a Conservative LIbertarian.. I think the hatred of Libertarians is unfounded by some people here. Not all Libertarians believe in sitting on their butts with their guns , prostitutes and marijuana pipes.  That is a giant misconception.  If anything, Republicans and Democrats have done more whoring , just under the covers, then the LIbertarians have.  Yes, well lot of scummy people call themselves libertarians, but so do a lot of self-hating Jews call themslevs Jews.. Does that mean every Jew is like Rahm Emmanuel or Madeline Albright?  

LIsten, I am agreeing with Chaim and others here now that Ron Paul is behaving like a monkey.  I am researching deeper. It turns out he thinks Mossad did 9/11..  

Ron Paul is acting more like a liberal conspiracy artist now than a libertarian.  Ron Paul did have some good ideas, which were not his own, but fundamental to libertarian party.  He believed in ending our idiotic helath care system, throwing illegal aliens out of hte country and protecting gun and firearm rights..  However, Ron Paul seems to be a traitor the more I read.. He seems to be using the good name of libertarian party to fulfill his agenda.. It turns out he even left libertarian party behind0 to be a republican.. GO FIGURE!

HItler was a Socialist Pig.. NOt a Libertarian.. Libertarians believe in protecting the rights of all American citizens.  Libertarians don't support telling Israel what to do and how they should live and where they can build.  Look at Republicans.  Every Republican president in USA has made as many attempts as possible to make life miserable for Jewish people.  We can thank that scumbag Nixon for saving Sadat's a-s-s in Egypt when Israel was rolling its tanks, ready to crush its wicked opponent.  Republicans (Neo-cons) are not a true friend to Israel.. The true old-school REpublican party was much more like Libertarian.  People like ROn Paul are disgracing Libertarian party, just like how Bush I & II disgraced the republican party.  But Paul is a total fraud I am seeing.. This sucks..

Many Jews are Libertarians.. If people think being a Libertarian means you're a Jew hater, you have had your head in ur butt for too long!  Libertarians believe in putting a gun in the hand of every JEw. They believe in protecting America's sovereignty and dignity.  Republicans are sitting on their butts while Mexis run through our borders illegaly and minorities are wasting our welfare system.  Libertarians will put an end to the stupid spending and let indivudal states have more autonomy to organize their assets and not be a slaves for the begging liberal states in our country.     Also Libertarians believe in ending the endless aid and military support America gives to the Arabs.  The Republican party has helped Saudi Arabia, Israel's arch-rival build some very sophisticated anti-missle technology.  George W was King Fasad's little bag boy.  

Anyway, these are mine and many other Jews reasons for being Libertarisn.  I can see Ron Paul is a liar and has led the party astray, with his backward honky national socialist affiliation.  I should have done my homework on him, before I endorsed him.. I apologize greatly for that.  Many politicians do talk out of both sides of their mouth.

Thanks for your Support Kahane-Was-Right.  I know Dr. Brennan Fan was fast on the trigger calling me a nazi troll.  I guess being a moderator is not an easy job and sometimes you deal with so many bad people, you don't realize who is who anymore.  He probably didn't read all my posts, he just saw Ron Paul and a red flag trigger.  I want to be friends with Dr. Brennan Fan and not have any bad blood.. If you support Jews, Israel and are a Zionist you should be my friend, not my enemy.

If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #99 on: December 09, 2009, 05:05:02 PM »
Most IMportant Virtues of Libertarian:
1. Protect Our Country from Foreign Invaders
2. Protect Our COuntry from Foreigners (Those without USA citizenship)
3. Protect the Right to Bear and Keep Arms (2nd Amendment of COnstitution)
4. Decrease powerful of central government and increase individual government authority.
5. Ban all forms of discrimination, anything that inhibits anothers liberty
6. Libertarians wish to cut excessive and wasteful tax
7. Pro-Capitalist, Anti-Socialist
8. Kick out illegals
9. Punish criminals and not let their presence waste our tax system
10. If a foreign country poses a threat to our sovereignty, then Libertarians will fight a war to protect its own citizens, not the citizens of enemy country. 
11. Decentralize and remove government regulations on health and food industry.   For example, the gov't no longer will have control of our pharmaceuticals, decreasing price substantially.  This will prevent all the liberals from whining about health care costs.  American bureaucracy currently runs our medical industry, hence why a doctor visit costs $200 here and much less elsewhere.
12. End bogus lawsuits that clog our court system and raise insurance and medical costs.  Endless regulation and holes in our court system keep the rest of us paying lot of extra money for nothing.  Libertarians will fix this!
13. Cut aid to Jew hating Arab countries and stop supplying Jew hating countries with money and weapons. 
14. If A leader, like Ahmedinejab says Death to USA and is building nukes, respond with enough firepower to make him say, "I Love USA", instead of the bullsh*T peace talks that Democraps and RepubliCONs are pursuing.

So which of these libertarian virtues do you hate?  It is true most political parties in USA suck, especially the Democrap and RepubliCON party.  Libertarians are very vast and of a wide variety.  Just because some honky from Texas says he is libertarian, doesn't make him!  In casep eople don't realize, Paul joined the RepubliCON party , probably beacuse many libertarians were fed up with his pro-arab, pro-national socialist views that he was rumored to have.  These are still  rumors, but much evidence poitns to them being true.  Libertarians are the very people who would do the most to protect the JEwish people.  As a matter of fact, some Jewish scholars shaped the beliefs and formation of the Libertarian party.

If you dig deeper, you will find Democraps like Barack Hussein Obama and RepuliCONS like George W have more anti-semitic tendencies than you will care to fathom.  A Pro-Zionist Libertarian is the most ideal candidate for America, if we were to elect anyone. 
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.