Author Topic: "anti-Zionism"  (Read 12389 times)

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Offline voo-yo

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Re: "anti-Zionism"
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2009, 05:05:30 PM »
I don't know what Ron's problem is.. I am sorry he insulted one of the Serb members here, who obviously is very pro-Israel and has put a lot of effort supporting our cause.  Ron, you have lot of chutzpah to be starting fights here and insulting people.   

My Serb friends, there are bad apples everywhere, don't let any hostility from a few members reflect all of us.

Ron.. maybe its time you go and travel a bit and intermingle with some non-Jews.  You seem to hate anyone who is not Jewish and you are giving a very bad name to our people..   You seem to easily dismiss all the anti-semitism caused by self-hating JEws but then kick dirt on Zionist gentiles who have devoted themselves to our cause.  What reason do these Serbs have for uniting themselves with us?  There are many of our own people who insult us and abandon us, when they should have been the ones to help us, instead these strangers from the Balkans, have opened their arms to us and have become our brothers.

Yes, Ron.. You are dumping salt on the wounds of our serb members.  There was some evil self-hating JEws that contributed to the destruction of their country.  DO you have any sympathy for them and their loss?  There was Jews who help to attack the Serbs and give their beloved home of Kosovo to Albanian nazi pigs. 

Maybe what you should ask is, is there any Serb hatred in the Jewish community or amongst Israelis?  You will find there is and we just work to stop it!  If a Serb asked you this same question and then he called you a rat, I am sure you would label him as a nazi.

Being hateful isn't going to score you points.

There was a Jewish guy I saw who use to live near my family, he had a giant "Free Palestine" sign outside his house.  What makes you so bold as to attack our Serbian friends who support our nation?   I think there is more bad apples amongst our own people than in all of Serbia.
Not to worry, DTI. My opinion of Israel and Jews doesn't revolve around Ron. I've made up my mind a lot of time ago.
But there are others who don't know much about the whole thing, and they could be alienated by such attitude. That's the real danger. I don't see the point of creating hostility on purpose, there's plenty of it toward Jews as it is.
I've read that he's 16, so it's not too bad. It's admirable that at such a young age he sticks for his people. That's good, and he's right that Jews should keep to themselves. But, he should learn there are things on which Jews can work with other people. Also, the most important thing - he as a Jew MUST give positive example to Gentiles, not insult them and feel superior to them.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: "anti-Zionism"
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2009, 06:26:25 PM »

Ok you're just a bunch of illitirate so-called humans, where did I START insulting? what did I say? "logic of a frog"? and what did he say?

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: "anti-Zionism"
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2009, 06:27:31 PM »

Oh, you're a tough guy? Sorry, I'm too afraid to discuss with internet tough guys.

I got no probs to show you how sorry you are in reality.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: "anti-Zionism"
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2009, 06:29:18 PM »

I don't know what Ron's problem is.. I am sorry he insulted one of the Serb members here, who obviously is very pro-Israel and has put a lot of effort supporting our cause.  Ron, you have lot of chutzpah to be starting fights here and insulting people.   

My Serb friends, there are bad apples everywhere, don't let any hostility from a few members reflect all of us.

Ron.. maybe its time you go and travel a bit and intermingle with some non-Jews.  You seem to hate anyone who is not Jewish and you are giving a very bad name to our people..   You seem to easily dismiss all the anti-semitism caused by self-hating JEws but then kick dirt on Zionist gentiles who have devoted themselves to our cause.  What reason do these Serbs have for uniting themselves with us?  There are many of our own people who insult us and abandon us, when they should have been the ones to help us, instead these strangers from the Balkans, have opened their arms to us and have become our brothers.

Yes, Ron.. You are dumping salt on the wounds of our serb members.  There was some evil self-hating JEws that contributed to the destruction of their country.  DO you have any sympathy for them and their loss?  There was Jews who help to attack the Serbs and give their beloved home of Kosovo to Albanian nazi pigs. 

Maybe what you should ask is, is there any Serb hatred in the Jewish community or amongst Israelis?  You will find there is and we just work to stop it!  If a Serb asked you this same question and then he called you a rat, I am sure you would label him as a nazi.

Being hateful isn't going to score you points.

There was a Jewish guy I saw who use to live near my family, he had a giant "Free Palestine" sign outside his house.  What makes you so bold as to attack our Serbian friends who support our nation?   I think there is more bad apples amongst our own people than in all of Serbia.
I've already answered you, look above.

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Re: "anti-Zionism"
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2009, 06:41:41 PM »

Ok you're just a bunch of illitirate so-called humans, where did I START insulting? what did I say? "logic of a frog"? and what did he say?

That's it Ron. Enough is enough.

Since you are incapable of being civilized in your replies to your fellow JTF'ers,  I am now locking this thread. I hope you're satisfied.