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Brotha Dan, how are you?

How many Bnei Noach are there in the States?

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: Dan ben Noah on January 14, 2010, 09:11:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on January 13, 2010, 12:47:28 AM ---Can you give us your latest affirmative action story?

--- End quote ---

What I mainly experience is more like affirmative action "incidents" rather than full-fledged stories, but the last thing that happened that could pass for a story that I remember took place in the parking lot of a mall.  A mall parking lot in my city is not a good place to be during the early afternoon hours.  Actually, if you can't be there during the early afternoon hours you probably shouldn't be there any time.  But anyway, my friend and I had just returned to my car when I saw out the corner of my eye an old white man staring at me from the car parked to the right of me.  My friend and I were talking and I took no notice of this until a black man came up from behind my car and approached the passenger side window, which was rolled down.  My friend was sitting in the passenger seat, and I was in the driver's seat.  The black guy says, "Can y'all help me?  My wife's a racist."  He proceeded to explain how we should give him money due to the fact that his racist wife kicked him out of the place they were living in and he needed a hotel room.  He then clarified that the old white guy in the car beside me was the woman's father who was driving him around.  In return for our help, he offered us an old game system among his other worldly possessions--all stuffed in the back of the car.  We didn't want the game system, so he offered to "introduce" us to his 6-year-old daughter who he said was "mixed" and that was apparently supposed to make her appealing to 2 men in their 20's.  When I kept saying no, he would not leave, and finally my friend said "Aw come on, let's help him out a bit," possibly trying to avoid the situation escalating into a robbery.  After he handed over money and the guy left, I sat there angry for about a minute and a half before I started the car, but later realized the money was probably going to go for alcohol either way.

--- End quote ---

Thanks man!  Good story!

I'm very angry with the mother for allowing her child to go out with her monster of a father.  That story is so sad! And what has to be wrong with the child's white grandfather to be an accomplice to all this? That's one screwed up "fambly".

Dan Ben Noah, thank you so much for serving our Country!

Ruby was right, you are one of the smartest and most righteous forum members and we all appreciate you!

                    Shalom & G-d Bless you Dan


Thanks for explaining Noahide.


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