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How hard was it for you to make the change from being a christian to a noachide? what influenced you to change and how did you adjust?

One law in specific that really caught my eye and had trouble understanding (Prohibition of eating the limb of a living animal)is the dietary law of the seven, do you eat pork whatsoever?

Since you are in the Armed Forces, could you describe your assessment of how Jews are perceived by soldiers etc? Thx


What books would you recommend on the specific issue concerning the Noahide movement/laws?

Serbian Canadian:
Hey Dan ben Noah.

During your time in the Armed Forces have you ever met anyone who has served in Kosovo? How aware are the people about the situation in the Balkans? Do they know that the U.S. Air Force bombed a Christian country in order to help Bosnian and Albanian Muslims, who have links to Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden? That the U.S. supports the creation of a Muslim country in the heart of a Christian Orthodox country after the Albanians have burned and destroyed most of the churches and monasteries, killed and expelled the majority of Serbs from that land?   

Spiraling Leopard:
When will you sing your next song on youtube?


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