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It was my pleasure to meet you Dan ben Noah,
 your service to your country and your strong moral beliefs are true testiment to the kind of person you are
   May G-d Bless you and your family,

Yasher Koach Dan!

I think that Noachides and those who have a desire to convert to Judaism via a Orthodox conversion process are such special people. I know a couple of authentic converts who live Torah lifestyles. It is very inspiring to see the light which Hashem gave the Jews at Sinai inspire the nations to obey the very many commands which he gave to his beloved people Israel.

I hope you will stick to your goal of learning and growing with Jewish wisdom and laws. Since my Teshuva I have moved to much more observance than my parents and my grandparents. I doubt my observance is as good as my great grandparents though....

Hi Dan Ben Noah,

I should also add that it was nice meeting you back in June.  And thank you for your service to America. 

What's it like being a Noahide in the Navy?  Are there any other Noahides?  Or are you the only one? 

Confederate Kahanist:
Can you give us your latest affirmative action story?

Dan ben Noah, you're one of the smartest people on the forum.

One of the challenges I've faced in socializing is that many very "righteous" people tend to be, well let me put it bluntly, dumb as a brick. They're very nice people, but I can't talk to them about anything complicated or their eyes glaze over. The more intellectual people tend to be left wing. For example I can almost never talk to my righteous Christian friends about science or other serious issues, because it goes over their heads, but the people I can talk about science and other intellectual topics with get angry if I mention my respect for and belief in Biblical morals.

So here are my questions.

One, how do you find smart people who are on your same level of brightness who are also righteous?

Two, do you ever get frustrated by people who you take time to explain a complicated issue to who still don't seem to understand what you said to them?

I've tried to explain about Islam and other issues to people and they don't understand.


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