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Earth at the Center of the Universe

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--- Quote from: MackaB on April 25, 2007, 10:39:29 PM ---I heard somewhere in the Torah or Talmud that it predicted the number of stars in the universe as 1 followed by 18 zeroes.

and that this was about the number arrived at by modern scientists.

Does anyone know if this is true?

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I never heard of this.  If you find the source, please tell me.  I also want to know the location of the Gemara that says the Rabbis admitted to the Greek scientists that the Earth goes around the Sun.   

The discussion in the Talmud Pesachim 94 between the Chachomim and the gentiles is on another subject entirely, and not connected with geocentrism.

The שיטה מקובצת there states: דאעג"ב דנצחו חכמי אה"ע לחכמי ישראל היינו נצחון בטענת אבל האמת היא כחכמי ישראל והיינו דאמרינן בתפילה ובוקע חלוני רקיע

The Greeks, like Chazal and everyone else until Nikolas Copernicus (whom the Ma'aseh Tuviyah called the B'chor Soton!), held by geocentrism.

Check out "Geocentrism" by Dr Avi Rabinowitz B'Or HaTorah 5,
"Torah Metaphysics versus Newtonian Empiricism", Rabbi Shimon Cowen, B'Or Hatorah 1999, and “Relativity and Geocentrism” in “Mind over Matter - the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Science, Technology and Medicine” 2003.

Well, thank you for the possible source.  I wouldn't rely on the one commentator that does not take the logical simple meaning of the Talmud since he was disproven! (Note Rashi and Tosvot always go with the simple meaning)   

As much as I respect and like the Lubovitcher Rebbe, he made the same mistake that most Chassidim do.  Chassidim are good people but have always had issues with accepting Science.  I asked a Chassidish Rebbe about this and  he said that all Science is heresy and he called me a heretic.  If the Mishna and Talmud accepted science as key to the Torah I don't get why they are so backward on this.  And having people rationalize by making up far fetched lies that science can still support disproven concepts does not count as science since if they really wanted the truth they would discover that this is all nonsense and lies (the theories they quote don't talk about what they claim they do and they take quotes out of context).  As I said before, the Yeshivot hire people to lecture outright lies to Yeshiva kids who don't know any better since they never studied science on a college level and brainwash them with nonsense.  Plus they do not allow debate like the Torah demands us to do.  If any Jewish religious scientist would debate any of these people they would win but they don't do this since they want to continue speaking lies and brainwashing people.  Interesting though, that when it comes to saving their lives, they get over this and they always go to the best hospital with the best doctor. 

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on April 26, 2007, 12:10:47 AM ---Judaism never said The Sun went around The Sun or that The Earth was flat. And The Kabbalah supports The Universe being billions of years old. Each day of Creation represents a different World. We are currently in The Sixth World. At the end of 6,000 year World, there is a period of 1,000 years of Shabbat. But of course the 6,000 years weren't literal. At the end of this World, we will have another 1,000 years followed by eternal Shabbat in The Seventh World.

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That is a beautiful explanation.


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