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Ask Lisa

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Hi Moshe92.

Yes.  I've always lived in New York.  I was born in Queens.  Then when I was six years old, my family moved to Long Island.  I went to college at NYU.  Then after a year or so back on Long Island, I moved back to Manhattan.  However I'm now back on Long Island for the time being, since things with me are kind of in a flux right now. 

Have you ever been to Israel?

Hi Moshe92,

I was in Israel about 30 years ago for a six-week teen tour.  We went everywhere. 

Lisa, what's your favorite kind of music? Do you have any band or artist that you like in particular?

Hi Mishmaat,

I like a little bit of everything, except for rap. 

That includes some rock, disco (believe it or not) and Broadway show tunes.  In my CD box, I have about six Tears for Fears CD's, some disco CD's, the Jekyll and Hyde two CD set, some Cher CD's, since I love how she can be over the top, a Sarah Brightman CD, and one Loreena McKennitt album. 


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