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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: Lisa on December 22, 2009, 08:08:35 PM ---Hello Hanna, AsheDina and Pennyjangle,

I never thought of myself as a pet person. 

However, since I've moved in with sister, I've become very attached to her very cute Maltese dog.  Her name is Chloe, and I LOVE picking her up and hugging her. 

Also, an old high school friend of mine had a male neutered cat who was very affectionate.  He would just sit in my lap and purr, which I loved. 

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I am very definitely a cat person (especially Siamese, although I think it's much better to rescue a stray or get one from the pound than a purebred), but would not be against owning a dog if my future wife wanted to. I have owned two dogs--an extremely friendly Doberman who kept escaping from the yard (eventually leading to her getting hit by a car  :'() and a very un-friendly, but ferociously loyal, German Shepherd who lost a struggle with lupus that lasted most of his ten-year life.  :'()


--- Quote from: Dr. Brennan Fan on December 22, 2009, 10:52:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: futuramark on December 22, 2009, 07:48:40 PM ---Just like jews are cautious with christians...christians are also cautious wth jews.

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Excuse me?!? "Christians are cautious with Jews"? Last time I checked, tens of millions of Christians were not burned at the stake or beaten or stabbed or raped by Jews because they wouldn't convert to Judaism.

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Yes I don't blame you for being cautious with me since I am from a christian country. But millions of good christians died also in ww2 ..Im not talking about germans...the british , polish, east europeans fighting them etc. My country was devestated with nazi bombardments...just remember there are good christians also who are ashamed of all the things you mentioned, even though they did not do them themselves. I never hurt any jew personally so it's unfair I get blamed. We also suffered under the church and Hitler. that's my whole point. I'm not making excuses for what happened. I condemn it. 

gotta run ...take care all... take care of that maltese dog lisa heh

happy holidays all xxx

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: futuramark on December 22, 2009, 10:58:56 PM ---But millions of good christians died also in ww2 ..Im not talking about germans...the british , polish, east europeans fighting them etc. My country was devestated with nazi bombardments...just remember there are good christians also who are ashamed of all the things you mentioned, even though they did not do them themselves. I never hurt any jew personally so it's unfair I get blamed. We also suffered under the church and Hitler. that's my whole point. I'm not making excuses for what happened. I condemn it. 

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What does this have to do with Jews then? Why would you ever say that Christians should be wary of Jews?

Muck DeFuslims:

--- Quote from: Ron Of Judah on December 22, 2009, 03:24:59 PM ---                                                                      בס"ד

Since I've agreed to not discuss about Christianity, I wouldn't post the Torahnic view on Jesus. However, I disagree with Zelhar's and Mark's opinion both, the ONLY reason and justification for us to be here is G-D's Promise, in any other way - we're just bunch of occupiers and thieves.

--- End quote ---

Not true.

The religious or Torah justification for the Land of Israel eternally belonging to the Jews is definitely the most important factor, but it is NOT the only one.

There are plenty of historical, legal, military and moral justifications for the existence of Israel.

One need not be religious or believe in the Bible to support the Jewish claim to the Land of Israel (although it sure helps).

With or without Torah justification, there is no legitimacy to the claim that Jews are 'thieves' or 'occupiers', and we should always be very clear about this.


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