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Ask Lisa

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Muck DeFuslims:

--- Quote from: Ron Of Judah on December 23, 2009, 04:00:13 AM ---                                                                            בס"ד

--- Quote from: Muck DeFuslims on December 23, 2009, 03:57:36 AM ---OK, have it your way.

The Torah justification for Israel is the sole legitimate justification.

The Jewish People don't have any historic, legal, military or moral claims to the land currently known as Israel.

And therefore, anyone that doesn't believe in the Bible would be correct to think of Jews as being occupiers and thieves.

That's because the Ca'anites want (and are entitled to have) their nation back.


--- End quote ---

Don't be a demagouge. What kind of historical, legal (WT..?), military or moral claims do the Jews have to Israel that cannot be fulflled anywhere else?

Anyone who doesn't believe in the Tanach doesn't believe in the existence of the Jewish people, only a mutation of them.
That's because we, without G-D's promise, have the same "right" on this land just like the Arabs do, they've occupied it too and got back to this land about a 100 years ago.

--- End quote ---

What kind of historical, legal, military and moral claims do Jews have to Israel that can't be fulfilled anywhere else ?


I can't believe you even need to ask.

Not to change the subject, how many user names/accounts do you have on this forum ? Is it more than one ? Or do you change your handle every day ?

Lisa, please accept my apologies for 'derailing' your thread. I think you do a great job around here.


--- Quote from: Muck DeFuslims on December 23, 2009, 04:15:33 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ron Of Judah on December 23, 2009, 04:00:13 AM ---                                                                            בס"ד

--- Quote from: Muck DeFuslims on December 23, 2009, 03:57:36 AM ---OK, have it your way.

The Torah justification for Israel is the sole legitimate justification.

The Jewish People don't have any historic, legal, military or moral claims to the land currently known as Israel.

And therefore, anyone that doesn't believe in the Bible would be correct to think of Jews as being occupiers and thieves.

That's because the Ca'anites want (and are entitled to have) their nation back.


--- End quote ---

Don't be a demagouge. What kind of historical, legal (WT..?), military or moral claims do the Jews have to Israel that cannot be fulflled anywhere else?

Anyone who doesn't believe in the Tanach doesn't believe in the existence of the Jewish people, only a mutation of them.
That's because we, without G-D's promise, have the same "right" on this land just like the Arabs do, they've occupied it too and got back to this land about a 100 years ago.

--- End quote ---

What kind of historical, legal, military and moral claims do Jews have to Israel that can't be fulfilled anywhere else ?


I can't believe you even need to ask.

Not to change the subject, how many user names/accounts do you have on this forum ? Is it more than one ? Or do you change your handle every day ?

Lisa, please accept my apologies for 'derailing' your thread. I think you do a great job around here.

--- End quote ---

I don't need to. Just answer my question.

I have 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 accounts, happy? what kinda dumb question is that?

Muck DeFuslims:

--- Quote from: Ron Of Judah on December 23, 2009, 04:19:42 AM ---                                                              בס"ד

--- Quote from: Muck DeFuslims on December 23, 2009, 04:15:33 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ron Of Judah on December 23, 2009, 04:00:13 AM ---                                                                            בס"ד

--- Quote from: Muck DeFuslims on December 23, 2009, 03:57:36 AM ---OK, have it your way.

The Torah justification for Israel is the sole legitimate justification.

The Jewish People don't have any historic, legal, military or moral claims to the land currently known as Israel.

And therefore, anyone that doesn't believe in the Bible would be correct to think of Jews as being occupiers and thieves.

That's because the Ca'anites want (and are entitled to have) their nation back.


--- End quote ---

Don't be a demagouge. What kind of historical, legal (WT..?), military or moral claims do the Jews have to Israel that cannot be fulflled anywhere else?

Anyone who doesn't believe in the Tanach doesn't believe in the existence of the Jewish people, only a mutation of them.
That's because we, without G-D's promise, have the same "right" on this land just like the Arabs do, they've occupied it too and got back to this land about a 100 years ago.

--- End quote ---

What kind of historical, legal, military and moral claims do Jews have to Israel that can't be fulfilled anywhere else ?


I can't believe you even need to ask.

Not to change the subject, how many user names/accounts do you have on this forum ? Is it more than one ? Or do you change your handle every day ?

Lisa, please accept my apologies for 'derailing' your thread. I think you do a great job around here.

--- End quote ---

I don't need to. Just answer my question.

I have 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 accounts, happy? what kinda dumb question is that?

--- End quote ---

You really can't be this dense.

Let's see. David and Solomon were Kings and built Temples in uhmmmm, Kenya.

Balfour, Peele and the White papers were applicable to land in uhmmmm, Bolivia.

In 1948 there was military conflict in uhmmmmm, Patterson, New Jersey.

The Jewish People trace their origins back to uhmmmmm, Mount Everest.

Hope that penetrates a little and helps clarify matters (although I'm beginning to doubt it).

And by the way, you having 10000000000000000000 accounts doesn't make me happy. In fact, it kind of irritates me, and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the only one that feels that way.

I think one account per person is enough, and the use of 'sock puppets', alter egos and continually changing your forum name is confusing and bad etiquette. 

But if the moderators don't have a problem with you having multiple accounts or changing your name every day, and if it makes you happy, go for it. But I think there should be some rules regarding this.


--- Quote ---You really can't be this dense.
--- End quote ---

See last paragraph.

--- Quote ---Let's see. David and Solomon were Kings and built Temples in uhmmmm, Kenya.
--- End quote ---

The Arabs were Caliphs and the Turks were Sultans in uhmmmmmmmmmmmm, Canada.

--- Quote ---Balfour,
--- End quote ---
Who gave the British the right on this land? the Balfour declaration was only a declaration of good will and nothing further than that.

--- Quote ---Peele
--- End quote ---
Which stated that most of our G-D given land and state should be a part of an Arab state (the Negev, Judea and Samaria, Gaza, and the Southern coast strip).

--- Quote ---White papers
--- End quote ---
See previous paragraphs, also, don't forget McDonald's one.

--- Quote ---In 1948 there was military conflict in uhmmmmm, Patterson, New Jersey.
--- End quote ---
Throught all history, the Arabs, the British, the Germans, the Turks, the Persians, and who not, were fighting over or land (from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates). Arabs are still living in most of our land, and they get more and more (I don't care if it's using warfare, demographics, economics or whatever).

--- Quote ---The Jewish People trace their origins back to uhmmmmm, Mount Everest.
--- End quote ---
Many Jews don't any spiritual/ideological connection to Israel. And their very tracing doesn't change anything, the Arabs feel the same to "Palestine" or whatever. Also, the Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Jordanian and Saudi Arabs, and the Turks, feel the same towards the lands they're standing on, OUR lands. So what?

--- Quote ---And by the way, you having 10000000000000000000 accounts doesn't make me happy. In fact, it kind of irritates me, and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the only one that feels that way.

I think one account per person is enough, and the use of 'sock puppets', alter egos and continually changing your forum name is confusing and bad etiquette. 

But if the moderators don't have a problem with you having multiple accounts or changing your name every day, and if it makes you happy, go for it. But I think there should be some rules regarding this.
--- End quote ---
That was a joke. How can someone be so unbelieveably dumb?

Muck DeFuslims:
OK, you're right, the Jewish People don't have any histrorical, legal, miltary or moral ties or rights to Israel. Whatever you say.

I'm not going to waste any more time arguing with you about that.

But there is another matter that we need to clear up. Right here and right now.

You may have been joking about having 1000000000000 accounts. But the fact is either you have multiple accounts or you have changed your name numerous times in a very short period of time. This might be a big joke to you, but it isn't to me and I don't think it should be to the administrators of this forum either.

Now I know you're one of Chaim's favorites and you seem to think that gives you carte blanche around here. I don't know, maybe it does. But I don't appreciate being called 'unbelievably dumb' by a 16 year old who evades the issue being raised about the juvenile antic of continually changing his screen name.

I've been here a long time, and try to engage in respectful debate and conversation. But that's just not possible with certain people. Judging by the confrontational, disruptive and combative nature of many of your posts, you might be one of them. I guess time will tell.

With that, I'm done with you for now. Have the last word.

Lisa, again, I apologize for stepping on your toes and derailing your thread. I enjoyed learning about you and your views and always enjoy your posts.


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