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Ask Lisa

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Why thank you, JTF Enthusiast!

Spiraling Leopard:
How did you first met Chaim and what happened then?
How many times do you meet Chaim nowadays?
Do you think obama is ugly?

Spiraling Leopard:
Do you like Elvis Costello?

Hi Bio-Electric Apprentice,

I met Chaim in person for the first time last November, when I organized the first JTF get together.  I remember how everyone was bummed that Obama got elected.  I also remember how I didn't want to face Obama supporters and have to deal with their gloating.  So that was the impetus for me to organize the first JTF get together.  The get together was at a glatt kosher restaurant in Queens.  Everyone there was excited to meet Chaim, myself included of course.  There were about twelve of us.  It was so nice to be able to connect a face to the forum user names, and meet the others in person. 

As for Elvis Costello, his music is not bad. 

Dear Lisa, have you met any Arabs righteous or not?


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