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Ask Lisa

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Confederate Kahanist:
Dear Lisa since I see that you went to Vegas, what did you think of the place?


--- Quote from: Lisa on December 14, 2009, 08:29:12 PM ---Hi Moshe92.

Yes.  I've always lived in New York.  I was born in Queens.  Then when I was six years old, my family moved to Long Island.  I went to college at NYU.  Then after a year or so back on Long Island, I moved back to Manhattan.  However I'm now back on Long Island for the time being, since things with me are kind of in a flux right now. 

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Why don't you like Long Island?Manhattan is too noisy and alot of traffic


--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist. on December 14, 2009, 11:30:36 PM ---Dear Lisa since I see that you went to Vegas, what did you think of the place?

--- End quote ---

Hi Confederate Kahanist,

I had to go to Las Vegas several times for work in my past jobs.  I actually liked it, even though I'm completely against gambling.  It's a flashy over the top kind of place which struck me as a combination of Manhattan and Los Angeles.  They have hotels there whose facades look exactly like the Manhattan skyline and a medieval castle, among other things.  Their airport is smack in the middle of town, which was nice, and you'll find slot machines there as soon as you get out of the plane. This is not to say though that I would want to live there. 

Now speaking of Las Vegas, I have a funny story to share. 

Years ago, I used to sell magazine advertising for a computer publication.  So my sales manager of the time was telling people the story of when he went to Las Vegas for a trade show called Comdex (now defunct).  So there he was at a gambling table one night with his fellow sales reps, when this group of women came and joined in with gambling.

So my manager, who I'll refer to as D. said to his colleagues:

"Guys, those girls are prostitutes."

Of course the other sales guys couldn't believe it.  There were like "What are you talking about, D?  Those girls look like just like the women in our office.  They're not hookers.  You're imagining things."

So then one of the guys asks one of the women what company they were with, and one of them responded very defensively saying "North Atlantic Mutual!"

Then one of women asked of the sales guys "So are you gentlemen with Comtrex as well?"

That was when they knew my manager was right. 

Dear Moshe92,

It's not that I dislike Long Island.  The part where I live, and where I grew up is actually beautiful.  It's just that I never was much of a driver. 

First off, I didn't get my driver's license on the first road test.  Then when I did, I never drove that much since I went to college at NYU, where I lived on campus. (Having a car in Manhattan is for the most part a complete waste of everything.)  Also, many years ago, I had a very bad car accident, where I suffered a head injury.  Fortunately, I don't remember the accident at all.  I was told it was permanently erased, like when you delete data off a hard drive.  So after that, I've never been completely comfortable behind the wheel of a car like some people are. 

The thing I've always liked about Manhattan is how people come there to find/re-invent themselves.  It's one of the world's media, fashion and publishing capitals.  Also, I've always liked how everything is within walking distance, or accessible by subway/bus.  What's also good is that you can find basically any kind of cuisine or entertainment.

(Now that's not to say I've ever been the wild, party animal type but anyway...)


--- Quote from: Dan ben Noah on December 15, 2009, 10:27:26 AM ---Shalom Lisa,

You said you went to college at NYU.  What is your degree in?

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Hello Dan Ben Noah,

My degree was in Romance Languages (French, Spanish, and a little Italian). 


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