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Dear Lisa, why did most Jews voted for Barack Osama? Are they crazy?

Hi YimachShemotoIslam,

The short answer to your question is yes. 

The fact is that many American Jews have this insane devotion to the Democratic Party?  It borders on idolatry.  I really don't understand why.  It was either during the Roosevelt or Truman administration that a boat load of Jews fleeing nazi Germany was turned away.  They refused to bomb the rail lines leading to Auschwitz. 

Now granted, Truman did officially recognize the state of Israel.  But privately, he was no lover of Jewish people. 

Unfortunately, many American Jews don't care about Israel.  Or, they will mistakenly believe that Israel giving up land is a good thing, and there's no other choice.  That's the only reason I can think of to explain why they voted en-masse for Obama. 

On my Jews Against Obama blog, I've had liberal Jews tell me that I'm crazy and a racist.  One guy named Moshe even wrote that Obama will cause the Star of David to rise over Jerusalem.  And all this despite Obama's sleazy connections to fakestinian supporters and terrorists. 

One good thing that might come out of this is that Jews will no longer be called "Israel Firsters" since so many of them voted for Obama.  But on the other hand, some people will call them that anyway, being that people like Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod are Jewish by birth.  So then again, nothing good might come out of this. 

I think anti-semites will always blame Jews for the ills of this country no matter what.  If 88% of Jews voted for McCain, you can be sure that they would be accused of being neo-con Israel Firsters who want Christian boys to die for Israel in wars they start.  As it is now, they fault Jews for supporting Obama, even though they support him too.  Go figure!

Spiraling Leopard:

--- Quote from: Lisa on December 29, 2009, 10:00:29 PM ---I tried explaining to him that there was no way I could be pregnant since I hadn't been with anyone in ages.

--- End quote ---

Hurray for Lisa!
Longterm, usefull celibacy is such a good virtue!

Dear Lisa do you believe that pro-Israel Muslims do exist?


--- Quote from: YimachShemotoIslam on February 01, 2010, 03:22:57 PM ---Dear Lisa do you believe that pro-Israel Muslims do exist?

--- End quote ---

There may be less than 1% of them. 

For example, there was the case of some Bangladeshi Muslim man who wanted to visit Israel, and got into all kinds of trouble with the government.  Here's an article on the man:

Then there's that Italian Muslim convert Sheikh Palazzi.

Here's another link where Sheikh Palazzi brings up links in the Koran saying Israel belongs to the Jews:

However, I haven't read any news of him defending Israel's Operation Cast Lead.  So make of it what you will.

On another note, my Islamophilic brother in law once told me of an Iranian Jewish radio station that broadcasts into Los Angeles, or nearby.  So one time, my b.i.l. was telling me that he heard of some expatriot Iranian Muslims who *wanted* Israel to destroy Iran's nuclear program. 

Now I've never met any expat Iranian non-Jews who said anything like that to me.  So again, make of that what you will. 


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