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Hi Yimach,

I would have to call Malaysia a Third World, or a developing country. 

Although a country has some modern commodities like skyscrapers and shopping malls, that's not all there is to being a First World country.  An example of this is Saudi Arabia.  They make loads of money exporting their oil.  But their people are very poor. 

By definition, Third World countries are those that were never aligned with the First World countries of NATO, or the USSR.  Many of these countries were also colonial subjects of First World countries like Britain, like Malaysia.  They're also characterized by poverty, high birth rates, disease, illiteracy, and economic dependence on First World countries. 

The reason why Malesia is semi-developed is 40% of its citizens are Chinese and Hindu non-muslims. They carry the economy on their shoulders even though the spiteful lazy malay muslims severely discriminate against them.

BTW, the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia are a major if not dominant force in that country economy as well, and naturally they are also facing persecution and discrimination by the lazy muslims.


--- Quote from: Lisa on February 07, 2010, 06:51:26 PM ---Hi Yimach,

I would have to call Malaysia a Third World, or a developing country. 

Although a country has some modern commodities like skyscrapers and shopping malls, that's not all there is to being a First World country.  An example of this is Saudi Arabia.  They make loads of money exporting their oil.  But their people are very poor. 

By definition, Third World countries are those that were never aligned with the First World countries of NATO, or the USSR.  Many of these countries were also colonial subjects of First World countries like Britain, like Malaysia.  They're also characterized by poverty, high birth rates, disease, illiteracy, and economic dependence on First World countries. 

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Thanks for answering my question about Malaysia, Lisa. I wonder a Malaysia without the Chinese and Indians would be like.


--- Quote from: YimachShemotoIslam on February 08, 2010, 03:23:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 07, 2010, 06:51:26 PM ---Hi Yimach,

I would have to call Malaysia a Third World, or a developing country. 

Although a country has some modern commodities like skyscrapers and shopping malls, that's not all there is to being a First World country.  An example of this is Saudi Arabia.  They make loads of money exporting their oil.  But their people are very poor. 

By definition, Third World countries are those that were never aligned with the First World countries of NATO, or the USSR.  Many of these countries were also colonial subjects of First World countries like Britain, like Malaysia.  They're also characterized by poverty, high birth rates, disease, illiteracy, and economic dependence on First World countries. 

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Thanks for answering my question about Malaysia, Lisa. I wonder a Malaysia without the Chinese and Indians would be like.

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No doubt such a Malaysia would like the rest of the dumps in the M.E. 

Lisa, How does it feel livin' in New-York city? I remember the first time I visited it, I was about 12 years old.. It was quite a shock for me.. So much noise, so many people of all colors and races... So many cars, buildings, skyscrapers..... For a country boy, born and raised in Oak Grove, New York is sure too much....


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