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Hi Lisa,

How do you characterize your faith ?

Hi Irish Zionist,

Good question.

So far, I haven't really considered it.  It's just that all my family is here, although I do have some distant relatives there.  And as much as might complain about them, I can't imagine completely uprooting myself.  There are some people who can easily relocate for work or other reasons, then easily land on their feet wherever they go.  I don't think I'm one of them. 

The One and Only Mo:

--- Quote from: Lisa on December 15, 2009, 02:09:35 PM ---Hi Moshe92,

Good question.

About twelve or thirteen years ago, I was sitting in my apartment one night bored and flipping through the television channels, when all the sudden I saw a young man with black sunglasses ranting about Israel, the Arabs, Chuck Schumer and the Serbs.  He was bluntly saying everything I've always thought about the whole Israel/Fakestinian situation.  The only thing was when I would try and voice these opinions to family and friends, people would just say, "Oh Lisa, you need to be realistic."  But here was a man who was saying everything I'd always been thinking!  I was riveted. 

From then on, I always made it a point to catch those Manhattan Neighborhood Network public television shows.  And of course, I always visited the website every week religiously.  I just loved it!  I pretty much devoured everything on that website.

In fact, Chaim was one of two people who helped turn me into a conservative.  (This probably won't make much sense, but the other person was the late Ayn Rand after I read her book "Atlas Shrugged.")

Otherwise, I don't remember how I found the JTF forum.  I think there might have been a link on the main JTF page.  But once I found the forum, I was practically in heaven.  I thought I was the only person who knew of, or supported JTF.  So it was great to be able to connect to like minded people. 

Now at that point, I had already started my own blog, and was still very into it, pouring through dozens of news feeds every day for stuff to post.  It was a pleasure for me to jump in and share my commentary (or what have you) with other right wing people.

I guess it also helped that I met our former admin Yacov several times.  I remember Jimmy Sullivan asking me if I would like to be a moderator for the General section, and that he thought I was a good writer.  Then right afterwards, Yacov wrote me and said "Lisa, there's a fight going on in the forum.  As moderator, you need to go in and stop it" or something to that effect.  So that's basically what I did.

After that, I became friendly with Shlomo when he became an admin. He found what I wrote on one thread about a film called "Janet's Abortion" very funny.  And it helped that he seemed to like my posts. 

I think I became admin at around the time "Until Shiloh Comes" ended up becoming less active on the forum.  Shlomo wasn't able to monitor the forum and do the back end stuff on his own. 

Hope that answers your question. 

--- End quote ---
You addressed the answer to Moshe92 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Dear Zelhar,

I am a first generation American, and the daughter of Iranian Jews.  I was born in Queens, and went to a yeshiva for first and most of second grade, after which, my family moved to Long Island.  After that I began attending public schools.  But my family belonged for many years to the only ashkenazic Orthodox Synagogue of the town, since there were so few Iranian Jews where we were.  And I attended their after school program for years.  

After 1976, most of the Jews in Iran came to America en masse, and to Long Island as well.  So I would say that starting in the 80's and 90's, they started building Iranian Synagogues.  My parents now belong to one as well.  You should know that for Iranian Jews, there is no such thing as Orthodox, Conservative and Reform.  The Iranian Synagogues I've been to however are kind of on the Orthodox side if I had to compare.  And there are differences between your average Orthodox Jewish and your traditional Iranian Jewish services and customs, which could be the subject of an entire new thread.

But in terms of my faith/level of observance, I attend my family's Synagogue on Rosh Hashana.  I fast on Yom Kippur, and have in the past attended a makeshift Iranian Synagogue close to where my family used to live.  For this year, my sister had tickets from a friend to a nearby Conservative Synagogue which was within walking distance of her house.  So we went there.  

Now I'm not nearly as observant as many of the Jewish members here.  However, I have NEVER, had any Christmas decorations at home growing up for Chanukah.  Nor did I ever receive Chanukah presents. To their credit, Iranian Jews don't engage in that kind of thing. And I never intend to start if I one day have a family of my own.  To me, those things are just for self-hating Jews who feel left out during the Christmas season.  

I hope that answers your question.  If not, ask me more stuff.  

I'm sorry Mo.  My bad.  I've been so spaced out lately. 


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