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Ask Lisa
How can a Third World country like Brazil develop an alternative to oil and the US can't?
Hi Yimach Shemo,
America can also become energy independent. But the elites (both Democrats and Republicans) don't want that. These multinational oil companies, who donate to both Democrats and Republicans don't want anything interfering with their sweetheart deals with rogue Muslim terror states. I remember reading an interview with the CEO of one of these companies who said flat out that energy independence is unrealistic. Now aside from these multinational oil companies, you have the environmentalists, who care more about pellicans and polar bears than human beings. Every time the idea of drilling in ANWR or the Gulf of Mexico comes up, these groups are all up in arms. It's interesting to note though, that these enviro-nuts never utter a peep about Cuba drilling off the Gulf of Mexico.
In the case of Brazil, it's such a poor country that I don't think they have any environmentalists. If they do, I can't imagine it would be that many. Anyway, that's just my guess.
Dear Lisa, would you agree with me, that every American Christian should support Israel and if they don't, they aren't real Christians?
Hi Yimach Shemo,
It's not my place to say who is, or is not a real Christian.
Now, would it be nice if every Christian supported Israel?
But I think Jews need to stop worrying about whether other people will support them or not. I do realize though that it's easier said than done. As the Bible says "Lo, this is a nation that shall dwell alone." That's quite true. Chaim has always stressed that Israel won her biggest victory when she went at it alone.
Can't get it
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