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Can't get what?

Dear Lisa. What are so many blacks obsessed with Islam?

Hi Yimach Shemo,

First off, American blacks never had their own authentic American religion.  The ones that came here were converted to Christianity, because that was mostly what they were exposed to.  Now, even though anyone can become Christian, they must have associated it with white slave holders in America.  And it also doesn't help that the Wahbabi recruited imams in the prisons sweet talk them into converting to Islam by playing up on the lack of any black-centric religion in the U.S.  That's the first part of it. 

The other part of the equation is that Islam is a violent religion, as are many blacks.  We all know that Islam condones killing for jihad, and having more than one wife.  Any real or perceived affront Muslim men might suffer is never their fault.  It's usually the fault of immodestly dressed women who make their men lose control of themselves.  Or it's the fault of some non-Muslim whom they feel has insulted their prophet.   It's the same story with many black people who blame "institutionalized racism" or someone calling them the n-word for their violence. 

Hope that answers your question. 

Can't get the "[censored] have bigger" cult followers.


--- Quote from: Yehudah on April 04, 2010, 12:46:01 AM ---Can't get the "schvartzas have bigger" cult followers.

--- End quote ---

Schvartzas have bigger whats?


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