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Bigger "weaponary"


--- Quote from: Yehudah on April 04, 2010, 09:14:09 AM ---Bigger "weaponary"

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I have no idea about that. 

For what it's worth, I read an article a long time ago in Cosmopolitan magazine (Yes I know it's trash, and I haven't read it in ages.) where some scientist quoted the average size of black "weaponry" vs. that of whites and asians.  I have no idea if that's true.  Nor am I interested in finding out. 

On the other hand, according to "race realist" literature, blacks have higher testosterone than whites (along with a lower IQ), which they believe explains their propensity for violence and promiscuity.  We have a member here by the user name Rhayat, who posts on American Renaissance, whom you can talk to about that. 

Yes there are newer researches about this issue where that thesis that Negroes have bigger is debunked. Btw do White girls in America prefer "exotic" fellows over white fellows?


--- Quote from: Yehudah on April 04, 2010, 09:39:43 AM ---Yes there are newer researches about this issue where that thesis that Negroes have bigger is debunked. Btw do White girls in America prefer "exotic" fellows over white fellows?

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I can't speak for all white girls.  No doubt there are some who do, and some who don't.  There's all types. 

Dear Lisa, are the Arab Christians of Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan really "Christian"?


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