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Again, Yimach Shemo, it's not my place as a Jew to say who is or is not a Christian. 

But from what I have read and seen of Arab Christians, they seem to identify politically, socially and racially as Arab Muslims.  Many of them (with the exception of the wonderful Joseph Farah) are anti-semitic and pro-fakestinian.  For example, I read an article on the AP a while back about how some Orthodox priest in Syria would light candles in his church for Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. 

Here are more examples of how these Christian Arabs are pro-Muslim terror. 

Butt ugly PLO spokeswoman Hanan Ashwari, whom that disgusting news anchor Peter Jennings used to bang, is a Christian Arab.  Suha Arafat used to be a Christian before converting to Islam to marry that AIDS infested Yasser Arafat.  The notorious Helen Thomas, who is part of the White House press corps is also an Arab Christian of Lebanese ancestry.  This ugly old crone is notoriously pro-fakestinian.  She uses her position to harass the White House press people, and to spout Muslim terrorist propaganda.  In one press conference, she was heard muttering "60 years of occupation." 

There's also that pro-fakestinian Ralph Nader, of Lebanese ancestry, just like Helen Thomas, who has referred to the government of Israel as its military regime:

And he's quite cozy with Muslim terrorist front groups:

Then there's also the Muslim terror supporter James Zogby, who was born in the U.S. to Lebanese Catholic parents, who has called Israelis Nazis, and who equates Israel's efforts to defend herself to the Holocaust:

Note that Zogby was involved with the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee, which was to advance the interest of Christian Arabs:

Also, let's not forget former United States Senator James Abourezek (also born to Christian Lebanese parents).  This lover of goat fornicators has gone on the record about how the big bad Israel lobby controls the U.S. government.  A few years ago during the intifadah, he said flat out that the terorrist attacks would stop as soon as the "occupation" ends.

This pig has also allowed himself to be interviewed on Hezbollah TV:

There's also John Sununu Jr. and Senior, who are no friends of Israel either. 

Also, let's not forget the Coptic Christians.  They've been viciously persecuted by Muslims.  But they're still strong anti-semites.  Check out what their Pope Shenouda III had to say about Jews:

--- Quote ---THE LEADER of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria told Egyptian television last month the Western Churches were wrong to exonerate Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and criticised recent statements apologising for Christian anti-Semitism.

In an interview with Dream 2 TV broadcast on April 8, Shenouda was asked if the Coptic Church would follow the lead of the Western Christian churches. Shenouda responded that the Christian Churches had “done nothing that warrants an apology,” adding he believed the apologies were being “done for appearance’s sake.”

Asked whether Jews were “Christ-killers”, responsible for the crucifixion, Shenouda stated, “The New Testament says that they are,” and asked rhetorically whether the Vatican was “against the teachings of the New Testament?”

Shenouda stated he had banned Copts from visiting Israel for fear they will “be influenced by the Israeli media, and we will not be able to prevent this. Who knows what ideas they will return with?”

The 1988 Lambeth Conference paper, “Jews, Christians and Muslims: The Way of Dialogue” acknowledged the Church’s historical complicity in anti-Semitism. The bishops at Lambeth stated “Anti-Jewish prejudice promulgated by leaders of both Church and State has led to persecution, pogrom and finally, provided the soil in which the evil weed of Nazism was able to take rood and spread its poison.”

Under the pontificate of John Paul II, the Roman Catholic Church acknowledged its role in Jewish persecution. On his March 2000 visit to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, the Pope stated: “We hope that the Jewish people will acknowledge that the Church utterly condemns anti-Semitism and every form of racism as being altogether opposed to the principles of Christianity.”

--- End quote ---

Anyway, sorry for the long winded response.  But here's the bottom line.  Regardless of what these people call themselves, I hate them just as much as Muslim terrorists, if not more so.  The reason I hate them more is that most of the people I mentioned lived in America, which is a free Western country.  Yet they side with the barbarians from whom their parents fled, against Israel.  Without all this support from their fellow expats, Muslim terrorists would be seen for the eternal malcontents they truly are. 

Serbian Canadian:
Hey Lisa.

I know you're conservative but were you ever a leftist? When you were younger did you ever think that for instance, the Israelis were "opressing" the "Palestinians"?

Hey Serbian Canadian!

Good question. 

When I was younger, I used to be more liberal than now.  For example, I used to wonder what was wrong with government assistance to those less fortunate.  Also, I used to be for gun control.  And I was *very* pro choice.  However, I was always against affirmative action, and FOR the death penalty.  But I NEVER EVER thought that Israel was "oppressing" the fakestinians.  I was always against Israel being forced to give up land to her Arab neighbors. 

--- Quote from: Serbian Canadian on April 06, 2010, 11:25:46 PM ---Hey Lisa.

I know you're conservative but were you ever a leftist? When you were younger did you ever think that for instance, the Israelis were "opressing" the "Palestinians"?

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Dear Lisa, if a Muslim man god-forbid were to marry a Jewish woman than the woman gives birth to a baby is the baby Muslim or Jewish?


--- Quote from: YimachShemotoIslam on April 08, 2010, 05:37:17 PM ---Dear Lisa, if a Muslim man G-d-forbid were to marry a Jewish woman than the woman gives birth to a baby is the baby Muslim or Jewish?

--- End quote ---

According to Jewish law, to be a Jew, you have to be born of a Jewish mother, or you have to convert according to halacha (Orthodox Jewish law).  So in this case, the child would be Jewish, according to Jewish law.  Now I would think that the Muslims would consider the child Muslim, since they're much more patriarchal than Jews and Christians. 

In any case, you would have a very confused child, who could end up as a traitorous, self hating Jew. 


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