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Ask Lisa

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Irish Zionist:
I know I'm bringing up this subject again and plz tell me to stop if your getting uncomfortable about discussing this. I'm sure many Jewish people were in the same situation as you or even harder. Look at what The Yemenite Jews did this year. They left a country they have been in for 1,500 years because they believed in The Torah. They were uprooted yes, but it's to my believe they are happy they are home in Israel. I cannot describe the feeling one would have, having a nation with all your brothers and sisters all together united. I think that would be a wonderful and holy feeling. Also all The Jews in Israel need great Jews like you Lisa. Why don't you try and convince your family to move to Israel with you?

You're not making me uncomfortable, Bryan.  My parents are old and set in their ways.  They want to be around their relatives, and other Iranian Jews. 

As for myself, it's not like I'll say "never."

hi Lisa....I noticed in threads jewish people seem to really hate the Maltese people...they seem to confuse us with arabs/muslims whom who have been hating since practically our childhood I guess they're confused...even though there was a period when we had a political party (mintoff era) who was siding with that a--hole Libya's gaddafi in the 70s the maltese have never felt arabic or muslims on the contrary...we always wanted western democracy, we are very christian and anti arabic/muslim really. plus I dont think we ever had any problems with jewish people in fact all thru history the community of jewish ppl living in Malta have always been safe and protected...I dont understand why they bear all this hate towards us...I saw some threads which were very insulting and always thought Malta and Israel and jewish ppl had good relations with each other. Remember also that when we were attacked by muslims in 1565 in the great siege jewish people and maltese people were fighting side by side for their survival, since Muslims hated both jews and christians alike and they would have slaughtered us both if they had won. Is it becuase of the lockerbie incident? or becuase of Shakespear book the Jew of Malta? I dont know ..maybe you can enlighten me please.  But please inform such people that even though we might have some arab blood still in us and our language is based on semitic...we totally do not feel we are like the arabs/ fact if you went in a bar in Malta and called us arabs you would be lucky if you get out without a fight heh. No offense to arab people but I guess we love our history and feel that muslims especially the turks/ottomans are our eternal mortal enemy becuase they tried to exterminate us and almost succeeded. We were also maybe nowadays not su much...devoteldly christians..and anti islamic but never have I heard anything against jews in malta except lately by 1 person who is taking advantage of the immigration of africans and is of neo nazi ideology and rambling against jews...however just a few of is followers take him seriously most ridicule him and dont take him seriously and he has been sent to 2 years jail beucase of hate speech. most of his followers in the site are anti immigration and not antisemites but he influences them also so they try to copy him...but only a few hardcore followers of his maybe 10 people or so actually emulate him in his anti semite ramblings.


Hi Lisa,

Thanks for your answer. To be honest I actually aimed to inquire about your belief- do you believe in God at all, do you believe the Torah was given entirely by god if at all ?


--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 16, 2009, 06:10:37 AM ---Hi Lisa,

Thanks for your answer. To be honest I actually aimed to inquire about your belief- do you believe in G-d at all, do you believe the Torah was given entirely by G-d if at all ?

--- End quote ---

Of course I believe in G-d.  I believe the Torah was given by G-d. 


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