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Dear Lisa is someone still Jewish by Halacha if their great, great grandmother was an Orthodox Jew and the Jewishness was passed down from mother to mother but the last couple of generations did not follow Jewish teachings?


--- Quote from: Rubystars on April 09, 2010, 01:34:03 AM ---Dear Lisa is someone still Jewish by Halacha if their great, great grandmother was an Orthodox Jew and the Jewishness was passed down from mother to mother but the last couple of generations did not follow Jewish teachings?

--- End quote ---

Good question, Rubystars.  Let me research it and get back to you. 

Dear Lisa, do you think crazy dictator, Ahmadinejad really wants to destroy Israel?

Rubystars, I've been thinking about your question.  It would really depend on whether or not the woman's daughters, or granddaughters converted to another religion.  If the woman's sons, grandsons or great grandsons marry a non-Jew, the children are not Jewish. 

YimachShemotoIslam, I think Ahmadinejad is serious.  We need to remember that tiny Israel is a first world country in a region of religious fanatics.  As such, Israel is an affront to Muslim/Arab honor.  As an example, compare the number of Nobel Prizes for the sciences and literature for Israelis to those of her neighbors. 

So let's say a group of people were found to be the only descendants of one of the lost tribes of Israel, but yet they followed another religion, like Islam. Would the fact they were descended from the original Israelites hold any weight as far as halacha is concerned?


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