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Ask Lisa

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Dear Lisa, how are we going to convince Muslims that their religion is evil and that Islam preaches hate against non-Muslims? Are there any Muslims that do not hate or want to kill non-Muslims?


--- Quote from: YimachShemotoIslam on April 15, 2010, 07:00:46 PM ---Dear Lisa, how are we going to convince Muslims that their religion is evil and that Islam preaches hate against non-Muslims? Are there any Muslims that do not hate or want to kill non-Muslims?

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I personally don't care what religion they practice in their own countries.  If we weren't dependent on oil, it wouldn't even be an issue.  The problem I have is when they kill Jews in Israel, and when they demonize Israel to the rest of the world.  I should also add that I object to honor killings being done in the West.  Customs like that simply do not belong in First World countries. 

How do you call one Arab in the sea? Pollution
How do you call all of the Arabs in the sea? Solution


--- Quote from: Ron Juan on June 16, 2010, 04:19:20 PM ---How do you call one Arab in the sea? Pollution
How do you call all of the Arabs in the sea? Solution

--- End quote ---

Good one, Ron.  Helen Thomas is an excellent example of one Arab in the sea being pollution.  In fact, I would feel sorry for all the marine life with their water being polluted by her carcass.  Anyway, she's 89 years old.  Hopefully soon, she'll put us all out of her misery. 


--- Quote from: Lisa on June 16, 2010, 06:07:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ron Juan on June 16, 2010, 04:19:20 PM ---How do you call one Arab in the sea? Pollution
How do you call all of the Arabs in the sea? Solution

--- End quote ---

Good one, Ron.  Helen Thomas is an excellent example of one Arab in the sea being pollution.  In fact, I would feel sorry for all the marine life with their water being polluted by her carcass.  Anyway, she's 89 years old.  Hopefully soon, she'll put us all out of her misery. 

--- End quote ---

Helen Thomas gives Arab girls a bad name.


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