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Ask Lisa

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Have you been married?
Will you find that perfect geeky Jew to marry?
How about Chaim?
I want to see a bunch of little Lisas running around.


--- Quote from: angryChineseKahanist on July 08, 2010, 08:40:34 PM ---Have you been married?
Will you find that perfect geeky Jew to marry?
How about Chaim?

--- End quote ---

No to your first question. 

Regarding your second question, I have no idea.

As for your third question, thank you for thinking of me, but I'm much too old for Chaim.  He has stated on past Ask JTF shows that he wants a young Israeli woman in her early thirties, since he wants lots of children. 

What's worse Black National (Socialism) or White National (Socialism)?
What's worse Communism or Nazism?
Hitler or Stalin?
Obama or Carter?
Rabin or Bibi?
PLO or Hamas?


--- Quote from: Ron Juan on July 08, 2010, 11:04:55 PM ---What's worse Black National (Socialism) or White National (Socialism)?
What's worse Communism or Nazism?
Hitler or Stalin?
Obama or Carter?
Rabin or Bibi?
PLO or Hamas?

--- End quote ---

White nationalism is worse.  Most blacks aren't organized enough to carry out a genocide against whites if not for white liberals who feel sorry for them. 

I would say Hitler, which in no way lessens Stalin's evil.  Hitler wanted to wipe out and entire religious/ethnic group.

Obama is worse because most people are afraid of attacking the first black American president for fear of being called racists.  Obama knows that and is using it to his advantage. 

I would say the PLO and Hamas are tied.

Lionel Messi or Jay Z?


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